Applications of multi ion beam technology

Register to learn about the Helios 5 Hydra DualBeam

High-quality sample preparation is critical for successful high-resolution material analysis with STEM or TEM. It is also considered to be one of the most challenging and time-consuming tasks in materials characterization labs. Conventional methods used to prepare ultra-thin samples required for S/TEM are slow and can require many hours, or even days, of effort by highly trained personnel. This is further complicated by the variety of different materials and the need for site-specific information.

Recent developments in DualBeam™ (FIB-SEM) technology, such as the addition of innovative software for automation and ease of use and the availability of multiple ion species, resolve many of these challenges. Register for our live webinar and learn how leading research labs are using our new Thermo Scientific™ Helios 5 Laser PFIB and Thermo Scientific™ Helios™ 5 Hydra™ DualBeam to advance their materials characterization.

Benefits of attending:

  • Explore how the availability of four ion species (Xe, Ar, O, N) on the same platform enables you to get optimized results for your specific samples.
  • Watch how quick switching of ion species (<10 minutes) does not sacrifice performance, even during sample exchange, allowing for the highest throughput.
  • Evaluate the high-performance PFIB column that delivers both high-resolution and high-throughput capabilities, enabling a wide range of use cases (sample prep, 3D characterization, cross-sectioning).


  • Julie Cairney, Professor and Future Fellow, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Sydney, Director, Australian Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis, The University of Sydney, CEO, Microscopy Australia
  • Vijay Bhatia, SEM Manager, Sydney Microscopy and Microanalysis, The University of Sydney
  • Valerie Brogden, FIB/SEM Lab Manager at the Center for Advanced Materials Characterization at the University of Oregon (CAMCOR)
  • Kurt Langworthy, Facility Director at the Center for Advanced Materials Characterization at the University of Oregon (CAMCOR)
  • Tim Burnett, Reader in Materials Imaging, University of Manchester
  • Brandon Van Leer, Sr. Manager, Applications & Business Development, Thermo Fisher Scientific


Advanced atom probe/TEM sample preparation and 3D applications in Materials Science

Julie Cairney and Vijay Bhatia from the University of Sydney will review the applications of multiple ion species plasma FIB technology for atom probe sample preparation and provide hands-on guidance for the successful preparation of highest quality samples. Kurt Langworthy and Valerie Brogden from the University of Oregon will highlight their latest results on optimizing milling conditions for different materials and present a systematic approach for further characterization of ion-matter interactions using a collaborative database.

Exploring large scale material processing with multiple ion species plasma FIB and femto-second laser ablation

Tim Burnett, from the University of Manchester will show how fs-laser integration extends the plasma FIB characterization capabilities and will present a range of case studies focusing on multi-scale, multi-modal investigation of novel engineering materials. Brandon Van Leer from Thermo Fisher will provide an overview of the focused ion beam applications and introduce the latest innovations in plasma FIB instrumentation, such as fast switchable multiple ion species available on Helios 5 Hydra, and fully integrated femto-second laser technology featured in Helios 5 Laser PFIB.

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