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It’s paper. It’s cool. And it means you can start saying “goodbye” to foam coolers.

Thermo Fisher Scientific is committed to reducing the carbon footprint of our products through redesigning and minimizing packaging. We know cold shipping represents one of our largest environmental impacts. Traditional expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam coolers are good at protecting products but are difficult to recycle, creating disposal issues for our customers.

Our 100% paper cooler is an environmentally preferable alternative to EPS coolers; it meets the thermal requirements necessary to uphold our stringent product quality standards. Though we still rely on EPS coolers to ship a portion of our cold-chain shipments, our 100% paper cooler is an important step forward in our sustainability journey.

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How to recycle your paper cooler


The paper cooler is made from 100% paper—from the corrugate box to the paper insulation— and should be recycled alongside other paper and corrugate materials. Corrugated packaging is widely recycled, with a recovery rate of 93% in the U.S. and 72% in Europe.

Every 10,000 paper coolers shipped keeps more than 6,500 ft3 of EPS from landfills.

Thermo Fisher Scientific does not provide a mail-back program for coolers. Life-cycle analyses often show that transporting a cooler back can release more carbon than it takes to generate a new cooler. For this reason, we encourage our customers to recycle our paper coolers and explore using local EPS recyclers for foam coolers.

Protecting your products

Our paper cooler passes International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) package testing—the industry standard for packaging. The cooler’s patented design provides the thermal and protective performance to keep your products safe.

View cooler testing and performance information:
 In North America ›
 In Europe ›

Paper cooler

Partner with us on this green innovation

Our paper cooler packaging approach is protected by US Patent Nos. 8,453,477 and 9,139,319 and related patents as well as pending patent applications as we continue to innovate for sustainable solutions.