NADCP 2016 - Drug Court Standards and On-Site Testing Seminar

Drug Court Standards of Automated Drug Testing

While attending the 2016 National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP) meeting in Anaheim, CA, the Honorable Judge Brian MacKenzie, ret. gave a presentation on the economic and social benefits of automated drugs of abuse testing. Request a complimentary copy of the presentation slides today. 

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Judge MacKenzie dispels the myths commonly associated with instrument testing cost and discusses the real value that laboratory automation brings to drug courts and their clients, such as speed and accuracy of test results.

Key learning objectives

  • Relationship between testing and participant success (Key Component #5)
  • Objective nature of testing
  • Importance of immediate results
  • Fast and effective: how automation effectively ties drug court functions together
Judge Brian MacKenzie, ret.

Presenter: Judge Brian MacKenzie, ret., 52nd District Court 1