Women in life sciences research

Help us celebrate the women of cryo-EM by listening to their inspiring stories from a variety of life sciences fields and locations across the globe. Listen, discover, and set out to make your own mark in the cryo-EM movement.

Meet some of the women in life sciences research using cryo-EM

Ariane Briegel Cryo-EM

Dr. Ariane Briegel
Ultrastructural Biology
Leiden University

Melody Campbell Cryo-EM

Dr. Melody Campbell
Assistant Professor
Basic Science Division
Fred Hutch Cancer Center

Bridget Carragher Cryo-EM

Dr. Bridget Carragher
Founding Technical Director
Chan Zuckerberg Institute for Advanced Biological Imaging

Danielle Grotjahn

Dr. Danielle Grotjahn
Assistant Professor
Integrative Structural and Computational Biology
Scripps Research Institute

Chi-Min Ho

Dr. Chi-Min Ho
Assistant Professor
Microbiology and Immunology
Columbia University

Elizabeth Kellogg

Dr. Elizabeth Kellogg
Assistant Professor
Molecular Biology and Genetics
Cornell University

Tera Lavoie

Dr. Tera Lavoie
Technical Director
Electron Microscopy Facility
University of Chicago

Eva Nogales

Dr. Eva Nogales
Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Structural Biology
UC Berkeley

Gaia Pigino

Dr. Gaia Pigino
Associate Head
Structural Biology Research Center
Human Technopole, Milan

Chiara Rapisada

Dr. Chiara Rapisarda
Group Leader

Doctor Montserrat Samso

Dr. Montserrat Samso
Associate Professor
School of Medicine Physiology and Biophysics
Virginia Commonwealth University

Erica Saphire

Dr. Erica Ollmann Saphire
President & Chief Executive Officer
Center for Infectious Disease and Vaccine
La Jolla Institute of Immunology

Cameron Varano

Dr. Cameron Varano
Assistant Research Professor
Center for Structural Oncology
Penn State University

Elizabeth Villa

Dr. Elizabeth Villa
Associate Professor
Biological Sciences
University of California, San Diego

lisa eshun-wilson

Dr. Lisa Eshun-Wilson
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow
Integrative Structural and Computational Biology
The Scripps Research Institute

Doctor Elizabeth Wasmuth

Dr. Elizabeth Wasmuth
Assistant Professor
Department of Biochemistry & Structural Biology
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

Ellen Zhong

Dr. Ellen Zhong
Assistant Professor
Computer Science
Princeton University

Shujia Zhu

Dr. Shujia Zhu
Principal Investigator
Institute of Neuroscience
Chinese Academy of Sciences

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