Reduce your design cycle, inspection times, and meet higher-level quality standards at a lower cost

Imaging techniques such as computed tomography are increasingly used in industry as a method for nondestructive testing, adding to standard CMM the ability to make digital measurements and detect and quantify defects inside a part.

We developed Thermo Scientific Avizo Software in collaboration with major industrial partners in the aerospace, automotive, and consumer goods industries. We have integrated expertise acquired over more than 10 years so that you can use Avizo Software to visualize, analyze, and inspect parts and materials acquired by CT systems and microscopy. 

Avizo Software provides a comprehensive set of tools that address the entire research-to-production cycle: from materials research in off-line labs to automated quality control in production environments. With Avizo Software, you can reduce your design cycle and inspection times, while meeting higher-level quality standards at a lower cost.

Imaging data

Workflow using Avizo Software


Workflow using Avizo Software


Workflow using Avizo Software


Workflow using Avizo Software



Thanks to powerful segmentation and image processing capabilities and workflows, and after 20+ years of collaboration with the scientific community and thousands of researchers, it has been now proven that our digital imaging-based workflows provide reliable answers to industrial and scientific problems.



Because your needs are unique and keep evolving, our software solutions are fully flexible and open to customization. Thanks to our scripting interface (Python, TCL), bridge with MATLAB, and our programming API, you can expand our software solution and integrate your own IP (Intellectual Property). And, if needed, our professional service team can help you design unique solutions tailored to your needs.



Thanks to our dedicated professional support team, you get access to our top experts to ensure that no question is left unanswered. And with our training, consulting options, and ever-expanding collection of tutorials and how-to’s, you can reduce your learning curve and focus on getting the answers you are pursuing.



Thanks to our automation capabilities, and with the addition of our always expanding online repository of add-ons (Xtra Gallery), you can encapsulate repeatable workflows into easy-to-reproduce recipes. With the addition of artificial intelligence, analysis can be performed by non-image processing experts, allowing them to save time on complex analysis while ensuring results consistency. 

When designing a new mechanical part, prototyping its manufacturing process, monitoring quality on the production line, or inspecting it after it fails, X-ray CT combined with software applications allows you to optimize your design, increase production quality, and quickly fix a possible design flaw.

Avizo Software allows for detection and quantification of porosity, distribution, clustering, closest pore, distance to surface of the part), corrosion, cracks in metal alloys or polymer parts, delamination, gluing issues, change of density, or voids in the matrix in a composite material part, for instance.

Avizo Software can measure wall thickness and import CAD models to perform surface deviation analysis.

Avizo defect analysis
Defect analysis on compressor housing. Data courtesy of CyXplus.

While digital industrial inspection aims at improving production quality, the inspection process should also be able to provide cost reductions and support increased productivity. The ultimate goal is to fully automate complex inspection scenarios.

Avizo Software for industrial inspection provides an advanced recipe mechanism that allows defect detection and part characterization to be automated. For a particular inspection workflow, the recipe is created just once and can then be replayed at any time. The recipe includes advanced analysis processes that give meaningful insight about defects that are detected during the inspection. The automatically generated quantifiable measurements allow a proper assessment of the part’s quality. .

While digital industrial inspection aims at improving production quality, the ability to document the results generated during the inspection workflow and maintain a proper traceability of these results is of utmost importance.

Avizo Software for industrial inspection provides reporting and traceability mechanisms. The generation of these reports can even be automated through the recipe functionality. Reports can include 3D visualization snapshots of the generated results, as well as spreadsheets containing the results of the different analyses. Each result generated through the inspection workflow contains a history log describing the different steps leading to this particular result.

Complex inspection scenarios, combining multiple recipes on different sub-regions of the part or material, can be created using Avizo Software (in-line version). Scenarios can combine multiple steps of visual inspection and automatic or manual measurements. Inspector services run scenarios created with Avizo Software designer and will accept or reject a part according to automated or interactive acceptance and/or tolerance values associated with automatic and/or manual measurements.

Avizo Software directly connects Inspector services with the acquisition system, streamlining the inspection process. Avizo Software (in-line version) pre-processes data pushed to a DICOM/DICONDE server; performs pre-processing, such as multi-part splitting, part registration to reference model, and acquisition artifact reduction; then dispatches the pre-processed part to a scalable collection of Inspector services. At any time, the results of inspection scenarios can be accessed with Reviewer services, where each step of the scenario can be reviewed and a final decision on part acceptance made. Avizo Software also includes user administration, allowing assignment and management of different permission levels.




Fiber analysis

Avizo Software is an all-in-one image analysis platform for the visualization, processing, and quantification of fibrous materials. Avizo Software enables the detection of manufacturing process damage, such as matrix cracking, fiber/matrix debonding, or fiber breakage. Defects in the material can be quantified locally (voids, cracks) or globally (cross-sectional distortions or misalignment).

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Porosity analysis

Avizo Software is an all-in-one image analysis platform for the visualization, processing, and quantification of porous materials. Avizo Software enables the detection and classification of various types of porosity (for example, connected vs isolated; macro pores vs micro pores), even on images with complex artifacts (such as pore back effect in FIB-SEM).

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Pore Network Analysis

Avizo Software is an all-in-one image analysis platform for the visualization, processing, and quantification of porous materials. This extension enables the conversion of the pore space into a model (Pore Network Model) representing pores and their connectivity, on which various properties can be color mapped. It also provides advanced pore space statistics (pore size distribution, pore throat size distribution, channel length, etc.) and filtering of the model based on its properties.

Permeability analysis

Avizo Software is an all-in-one image analysis platform for the visualization, processing, and quantification of your materials. The Xlab extension provides numerical simulation capabilities to compute absolute permeability, thermal conductivity, electrical resistivity, and molecular diffusivity.

Failure Analysis

Avizo Software provides a fast and robust meshing engine to automatically create simulation-ready meshes from 3D labeled images. Avizo Software generates high-quality meshes with smoothed conforming interfaces from large multi-material segmented images. You have fine control over element size distribution, while Avizo Software preserves thin structures and topology. Meshes can be exported to major solver’s format along with boundary conditions. Avizo Software also provides import of the solver’s outputs for post-processing the results with advanced visualization tools.

Grain Analysis

Avizo Software is an all-in-one image analysis platform for the visualization, processing, and quantification of grains. Avizo Software provides advanced tools and enables the detection, segmentation, and analysis of grains, their size, distribution, and shape, even on complex images with artifacts. Grains can then be filtered, classified, and analyzed allowing full size, distribution, and shape statistical extraction. Avizo Software also provides the tools to automate and repeat your analysis through easy-to-customize recipes.

Particles analysis

Avizo Software is an all-in-one image analysis platform for the visualization, processing, and quantification of particles to improve performance of your materials, whether catalysts, alloys, or polymers. Avizo Software provides advanced tools to enable the detection, segmentation, and analysis of particles. Particles can then be filtered, classified, and analyzed, allowing full size, distribution, and shape statistical extraction. Avizo Software also provides the tools to automate and repeat your analysis through easy-to-customize recipes.

Fiber analysis

Avizo Software is an all-in-one image analysis platform for the visualization, processing, and quantification of fibrous materials. Avizo Software enables the detection of manufacturing process damage, such as matrix cracking, fiber/matrix debonding, or fiber breakage. Defects in the material can be quantified locally (voids, cracks) or globally (cross-sectional distortions or misalignment).

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Porosity analysis

Avizo Software is an all-in-one image analysis platform for the visualization, processing, and quantification of porous materials. Avizo Software enables the detection and classification of various types of porosity (for example, connected vs isolated; macro pores vs micro pores), even on images with complex artifacts (such as pore back effect in FIB-SEM).

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Pore Network Analysis

Avizo Software is an all-in-one image analysis platform for the visualization, processing, and quantification of porous materials. This extension enables the conversion of the pore space into a model (Pore Network Model) representing pores and their connectivity, on which various properties can be color mapped. It also provides advanced pore space statistics (pore size distribution, pore throat size distribution, channel length, etc.) and filtering of the model based on its properties.

Permeability analysis

Avizo Software is an all-in-one image analysis platform for the visualization, processing, and quantification of your materials. The Xlab extension provides numerical simulation capabilities to compute absolute permeability, thermal conductivity, electrical resistivity, and molecular diffusivity.

Failure Analysis

Avizo Software provides a fast and robust meshing engine to automatically create simulation-ready meshes from 3D labeled images. Avizo Software generates high-quality meshes with smoothed conforming interfaces from large multi-material segmented images. You have fine control over element size distribution, while Avizo Software preserves thin structures and topology. Meshes can be exported to major solver’s format along with boundary conditions. Avizo Software also provides import of the solver’s outputs for post-processing the results with advanced visualization tools.

Grain Analysis

Avizo Software is an all-in-one image analysis platform for the visualization, processing, and quantification of grains. Avizo Software provides advanced tools and enables the detection, segmentation, and analysis of grains, their size, distribution, and shape, even on complex images with artifacts. Grains can then be filtered, classified, and analyzed allowing full size, distribution, and shape statistical extraction. Avizo Software also provides the tools to automate and repeat your analysis through easy-to-customize recipes.

Particles analysis

Avizo Software is an all-in-one image analysis platform for the visualization, processing, and quantification of particles to improve performance of your materials, whether catalysts, alloys, or polymers. Avizo Software provides advanced tools to enable the detection, segmentation, and analysis of particles. Particles can then be filtered, classified, and analyzed, allowing full size, distribution, and shape statistical extraction. Avizo Software also provides the tools to automate and repeat your analysis through easy-to-customize recipes.




Introductory training

Shorten your learning curve and maximize your investment with this introductory training specifically designed for new users of Amira, Avizo and PerGeos Software.

The course consists of a lecture with hands-on sessions. The training material highlights the basic features and functionalities of Amira, Avizo and PerGeos Software.


Advanced training

Maximize your investment and reduce your time-to-results with this advanced training specifically designed for existing users of Amira, Avizo and PerGeos Software.

The course consists of a lecture with hands-on sessions. The training material highlights advanced features and functionalities of Amira, Avizo and PerGeos Software.


Custom development

With over 25 years of experience in 3D and image processing and hundreds of custom projects delivered to organizations small and large, Thermo Fisher Scientific can provide you with a solution tailored to fit your specific needs.

We can customize and expand our software solutions at various levels.



Avizo for Industrial Inspection - Overview
Discover Avizo Software solutions for quality control
Avizo for Industrial Inspection - Easy creation & customization of inspection workflows
Avizo for Industrial Inspection - Reporting & traceability
Multiscale Image-based control and characterization white paper
Multiscale Image-Based Control and Characterization

Enhance batteries performance and increase safety

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Avizo Software brochure
Avizo Software brochure

Avizo Software allows for a better understanding of structure, properties and performance.

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Avizo for Industrial Inspection - Overview
Discover Avizo Software solutions for quality control
Avizo for Industrial Inspection - Easy creation & customization of inspection workflows
Avizo for Industrial Inspection - Reporting & traceability
Multiscale Image-based control and characterization white paper
Multiscale Image-Based Control and Characterization

Enhance batteries performance and increase safety

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Avizo Software brochure
Avizo Software brochure

Avizo Software allows for a better understanding of structure, properties and performance.

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Import and process your imaging data

    • Handle any modality, at any scale, of any size:

    - Bio-Formats
    - Bitmap formats
    - Microscopy: electron and optical
    - Medical and neuroimage formats
    - Molecular formats
    - Other acquisition devices (MRI, radiography, etc.)

    • Finite element modeling, geometric modeling, CAD
    • Support for multi-data/multi-view, multi-channel, time series, very large data
    • Scaling, calibration, conversion, re-sampling
    • Image enhancement, comprehensive filtering and convolution, Fourier frequency transforms
    • Artifact reduction algorithms
    • Advanced multi-mode 2D/3D automatic registration
    • Image stack alignment, arithmetic, correlation, fusion

    Easily segment your imaging data

    • Thresholding and auto-segmentation, object separation, automatic labeling
    • Region growing, snakes, interpolation, wrapping, smoothing
    • Morphological processing, including watershed and basins
    • Machine Learning-based segmentation
    • Automatic tracing of individual fibers and filaments
    • Skeletonization and filament network extraction
    • Interactive tools for generation or editing of segmentation and spatial graphs
    • 3D surface reconstruction
    • Grid generation for FEA/CFD


    Export your analysis and visualization work to seamlessly publish and present it

    • Animation and video generation
    • Advanced key frame and object animation
    • Mix images, geometric models, measurements and simulations
    • Annotations, measures legends, histograms and curve plots
    • Export spreadsheets, 3D models, high-quality images
    • Active and passive 3D stereo vision
    • Single and tiled screen display
    • Immersive environment

    Visualize and explore your imaging data

    • Interactive high-quality volume and multichannel visualization
    • Orthogonal, oblique, cylindrical and curved slicing
    • Contouring and iso-surface extraction
    • Maximum Intensity or other types of projections
    • Vector and tensor visualization
    • Objects and tracks
    • Molecular visualization

    Analyze your imaging data and obtain quantitative information

    • Intuitive recipe creation, customization, automated replay
    • Built-in measurements, including counts, volumes, areas, perimeters, aspect ratios and orientations
    • User-defined measures
    • Results viewer with spreadsheet tool and charting
    • Automatic individual feature measurements, 3D localization and spreadsheet selection
    • Automated statistics, distribution graphs
    • Feature filtering using any measurement criterion
    • Data registration, deformation, comparison and measurements


    Easily and quickly adapt Amira Software to your specific needs

    • Custom C++ modules development
    • MATLAB™ bridge
    • Python scripting API

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