Webinar: A Novel SEM-EDS Approach for Material Failure Analysis

On-demand webinar

Whether it is developing new materials or examining manufactured products and components for defects, failure analysis helps manufacturers pinpoint the root cause of failure. With a potentially large backlog of samples to be analyzed, a short time to results is particularly important.

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) is the tool of choice for chemical analysis of materials science samples. It helps to identify the context and composition of the failure accurately.

Hear from our experts how a novel SEM-EDS technology brings greater speed and simplicity to failure analysis with case studies in automotive metals and refractory ceramic industries. Add this technique to your materials science and engineering toolkit to handle the increasing complexity of materials.

In this webinar, you will learn about root cause analysis for:
●    Electro galvanized sheet steel coating defects
●    High strength steel bend test failure
●    Surface corrosion on etched or pickled steel
●    Impurities in complex refractory oxides

Roger Maddalena
, Market Development Manager - Thermo Fisher Scientific
Alice Scarpellini
, Applications Development Scientist - Thermo Fisher Scientific