
The new Thermo Scientific Helios 5 Laser PFIB builds on the industry-leading Helios DualBeam family and incorporates the novel femto-second laser system for extremely fast material removal.

Register for our recorded webinar and learn how the combination of fs-Laser and PFIB provides mm-scale subsurface and 3D analysis at nm resolution and enables new workflows such as fast characterization of air sensitive samples and multi-scale correlative microscopy with deep subsurface sample extraction. This instrument also offers all the capabilities of proven Helios 5 PFIB platform, including highest quality Ga-free TEM/APT sample preparation and extreme high-resolution imaging.

Who should attend?

  • Researchers and engineers working in fields related to materials science, interested in multi-scale correlative microscopy workflows providing mm-scale characterization with nm-resolution

Why should you attend?

  • Learn how Helios 5 Laser PFIB enables thousands times faster material removal compared to standard FIB-SEM or PFIB-SEM instruments, and at the same time, produces high quality cut face suitable for SEM imaging, or even EBSD mapping
  • See how Helios 5 Laser PFIB allows you to reveal nm-scale faults and failures embedded millimeters deep within your sample, much faster than with any other tool
  • Discover how Helios 5 Laser PFIB with advanced automation and unique design enables automated overnight runs and unattended acquisition of mm-scale 3D volumes, freeing up the microscope for other uses during the day such as advanced TEM sample preparation or in situ experimentation.

Speaker biography

Brandon Van Leer
Sr. Applications and Business Development Manager
Thermo Fisher Scientific

Brandon Van Leer joined Thermo Fisher Scientific in late 2004 as a Senior Applications Engineer after his tenure at HP as a Materials Engineer in the Imaging and Printing Group. He then led the North American SEM, FIB and Small DualBeam applications team for a number of years. For the past several years, Brandon acted as a business development and product marketing engineer for Thermo Fisher Scientific's Materials & Structural Analysis business unit in the Americas. In recent years, his role has expanded to have a global focus in applications and business development.

Brandon’s professional background has focused largely on materials characterization and development of electronic materials and polymers. He has over 20 years experience in various analytical techniques and over 16 years exploring SEM and FIB. Brandon’s current research interests are in S/TEM sample preparation and 3D characterization of materials using FIB technology. Brandon received his BS in Physics (1988) and his MS in Electrical Engineering (2002) from Oregon State University. He is a member of MSA and IEEE.

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