On-demand webinar

How do materials fail? How can we design materials to prevent failure and prolong component life? These questions not only have significant scientific interest but also have great implications for engineers and economic consequences. Advances in electron microscopy are enabling scientists and engineers to understand stress corrosion cracking, fatigue, and ultimately failure in more detail and across a range of scales. This webinar will illustrate through case studies how scanning electron and focused ion beams can be used to analyze the early stages of initiation and propagation of cracks, both to better understand the safe lifetime of existing materials, and to look toward ways of extending the life of engineering materials and components.

In this webinar, attendees will learn about case studies including:

• Crack tip analysis to understand the origin of failure
• Multiscale imaging of the competition between pitting and intergranular corrosion leading to failure
• Wear mechanisms and surface integrity with dry and lubricant environments

Dr. Ali Gholinia, Research Fellow - University of Manchester
Prof. Philip Withers - Chief Scientist - Henry Royce Institute

Dr. Ali Gholinia is a Research Fellow working in the Electron Microscopy Centre at University of Manchester. He obtained his Ph.D. in materials science at the University of Manchester. After post-doctoral positions at the University of Manchester in the U.K. and at TU-Delft in the Netherlands, he worked at HKL and Oxford Instruments in Denmark to work on the development of the electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) technique and its applications, before taking up his current position in Manchester.

Prof. Philip Withers is Regius Professor of Materials and is Chief Scientist at the Henry Royce Institute. Before joining the University of Manchester as a professor in 1998, he had been a lecturer at the University of Cambridge (where he obtained his Ph.D). His work has focused on the use of neutron, x-ray and electron beams to better understand the behavior of engineering materials, especially under demanding environments.