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Moisture in high humidity areas has been found to accumulate in the tubing attached to the pressure sensor board. Eventually this moisture migrates to the sensors and causes them to fail as outlined in the alarms/symptoms section listed below. There can be other causes for the sensor board to fail such as moisture accumulating on the actual board or just a faulty sensor but the alarms/symptoms will generally always be the same.


  • PFLOW READING: -52.0 mmhG, when the range should be 15 to 22 mmHg
  • PVAC READING: -260.0 mmHg, when the range should be 55 to 65 mmHg
  • PBAR READING: 0.0 mmhG, when the reading should be 760 mmHg @ sea level but configured to local conditions. A barometric pressure alarm will also cause the pump to run wide open +20 LPM, and confirmed by a flow standard installed at the inlet of the instrument

Many changes have been made to the sensor boards to improve and protect against moisture damage.

  1. Improved sensors are Parylene & epoxy coated. Main sensor board is Parylene & epoxy coated.
  2. Entire assembly has been relocated on the divider to the left of the measurement interface board.
  3. The pressure board is mounted to a plate that is part of the kit.
  4. Sensor board is mounted vertically with the ports to the sensors facing down and the sensor tubing routed up from the bottom.  

If you have additional questions, call the Technical Support team at (866) 282-0430 and select option 2.



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