
Debbie Bowe
Sr. Tech Specialist and Master Trainer
Environmental and Process Monitoring

Meet our techs: Debbie Bowe

Debbie enjoys helping customers solve problems in all areas including programming samplers, passing leak checks and getting flow audits to meet standards.

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During PM10 season, we recommend thinking about ways to optimize performance and maximize uptime. If your instrument was powered down in the spring, you will need to revive aerosol equipment units. 

Find your product below and refer to the manual for step-by-step startup, optimization, and routing maintenance procedures, calibrations and verifications.

Partisol 2000i/Partisol 2000iD Samplers
Refer to page 2-11 in the for startup procedures, 7-1 for sampler performance verification and 8-1 for calibration in the Partisol 2000i/Partisol 2000iD Samplers Instruction Manual.

Partisol 2025i and Partisol 2025i-D
In the Partisol 2025i Sequential Air Sampler/Partisol 2025i-D Dichotomous Sequential Air Sampler Instruction Manual, refer to page 2-11 for startup procedures and page 10-1 for preventative maintenance procedures.

Model 5014i Beta Monitor
Refer to page 2-21 for Startup procedures in the Model 5014i Beta operator’s manual for procedures on stabilization wait times, temperature sensor checks, flow settings and other instrument control settings.

TEOM 1405 Series
For step-by-step instructions on how to begin data collection and downloading, as well as how to perform leak checks, refer to section 3-1 basic operation in the manual for the  TEOM Series 1405-DF operator’s manual,  TEOM Series 1405-F operator’s manual or the TEOM Series 1405 operator’s manual.    

Model 5030i Monitor
For acceptance testing procedures and to ensure the monitor is operating according to the manufacturer specifications, see page 2-3 in the  Model 5030i Monitor Operator’s Manual or see page 2-22 for quick startup procedures, page 4-1 for calibration and page 5-1 for preventative maintenance.


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