EPA Method 200.7

Is there metal in this water? Use Method 200.7 to find out.

Overview: EPA Method 200.7, titled “Determination of Metals and Trace Elements in Water and Wastes by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry,” is used to detect metallic contaminants in drinking water and waste water. A method detection limit (MDL) is set for 31 different elements, along with preferred wavelengths, calibration and quality control standards.

Method: Using a Thermo Scientific™ iCAP™ 7600 ICP-OES Duo, a linear dynamic range (LDR) and method detection limit (MDL) study was performed as described in method 200.7. A LabBook was set up using the Thermo Scientific™ Qtegra™ Intelligent Scientific Data Solution™ (ISDS) for all 31 elements covered by method 200.7. Sulphur, which is not part of method 200.7 but is often required in this type of analysis, was also added to the method. Three sample types were analyzed: drinking water, river water and waste water. Each was spiked for analysis as a laboratory fortified matrix (LFM).

Results: The iCAP 7600 ICP-OES Duo demonstrated compliance with the requirements of EPA Method 200.7 for a wide range of water sample types, producing consistently accurate results with minimal intensity drift. Specifically designed hardware and software tools simplified compliant analysis, making the iCAP 7600 ICP-OES the ultimate instrument for cost-effective elemental analysis.

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