Food Safety Inspection of Packaged Dairy Products

Fast, efficient inspection of products in the dairy industry

Whether it’s for cheese, yogurt, ice cream, milk powders, whey protein concentrates, sauces, or other related items, most manufacturers of dairy products use food safety and quality inspection technology, including metal detection,  X-ray inspection for foreign object detection and checkweighing to ensure package weight meets specifications. But with different types of packaging for different types of dairy products, deciding which package inspection technologies to use and where in the plant each is needed can be a challenge to dairy food processors.

Thermo Fisher Scientific is a recognized leader in providing in-line inspection and monitoring solutions to ensure safety, quality and production efficiency by detecting foreign objects, validating net content, verifying product integrity and analyzing constituents.

Here are some resources to help dairy foods companies ensure a quality product gets into the hands of the consumer.

Processing and distributing dairy products necessitates a high level of quality control and strict adherence to regulatory requirements. It is paramount that dairy products are safe for consumption, free of a range of potential bacterial and physical contaminants. The packaged product weight must meet specifications, too. The goal is always to keep consumers safe and protect the brand’s reputation while managing pressures to contain costs and operate efficiently. Read how product quality and safety can be ensured by using industrial food inspection equipment to detect contaminants and weigh package content at various locations throughout processing.

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Product Inspection Challenges for the Dairy Industry

Featured packaged dairy product inspection blog articles

When it comes to food quality and safety, dairy products have their own specific needs, compared to other types of foods.  Here are several blog articles that address food inspection in the dairy industry.

Different Dairy Products Mean Different Challenges for Product Inspection
There are different challenges specific to cheese, yogurt, fresh dairy (cottage cheese, sour cream, dips), ice cream, and novelties. Find out what they are.

Modern Multiscan Metal Detectors Are “No Fools” When It Comes to Dairy
Product effect can fool many metal detectors and diminish their ability to distinguish between actual non-ferrous metal contaminants and the false signal given by the combination of typical product attributes. A multiscan, multi-frequency metal detector can overcome some of the challenges.

Where to Place Product Inspection Equipment in Dairy Production Plants
Installing inspection systems at 4 specific places on the processing and packaging line can positively impact the quality, accuracy and safety of the food item being marketed. Discover the best places to install food metal detectors, X-ray inspection systems and checkweighers.

Overcoming the Challenges of Dairy Product Inspection
The challenge of “product effect” occurs with high-moisture, high-salt products, as well as product weight consistency, washdown requirements, and various packaging materials. Learn why this is a problem.

What’s in That Mac ‘n Cheese?
Global food companies have instituted HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) and have installed metal detectors as CCPs (Critical Control Points) to find metal, glass and other foreign objects. Read why.

The Most Frequently Asked Questions about Dairy Product Inspection Equipment
Knowing which technology is best for specific applications can be confusing. So we have gathered the most frequently asked questions when it comes to food safety inspection equipment that should be used in the dairy product industry and presented the answers in an easy-to-read format.

Featured packaged dairy products quality inspection information resources


Dairy Product Inspection FAQs
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions and answers about dairy inspection equipment and systems for your application.


White paper

X-ray Inspection of Food Products: The Safety Facts You Need to Know
Food X-ray systems are safe but they do generate ionizing radiation. Understand what levels are considered safe, what regulations apply, what safety devices are used to meet these regulations, and how we assure complete safety in all regards.


Thermo Scientific - Product Test
How we complete a product test for customers.


Thermo Scientific - Interpreting Product Test Results
How we interpret product test results for customers.


Multiscan, Multi-Frequency Metal Detection
Learn about multiscan, multi-frequency metal detection technology, which scans five frequencies at a time for unmatched sensitivity and the highest possible probability of detection.

Product comparison table

X-ray Inspection System Product Comparison Table
When finding contaminants in your packaged food products is critical to protecting your brand, X-ray systems offer high-tech, cost-effective, easy-to-use solutions.  Use this guide to help find a model best suited to your business.

Product comparison table

Checkweigher Product Comparison Table
With the right checkweigher configured to your specifications, you can depend on accurate weight control, maximized efficiency, and consistent product throughput.  Use this guide to help find a model best suited to your business.

Product comparison table
Metal Detection Product Comparison Table

Metal Detection Product Comparison Table
Industrial food metal detection equipment provides reliable, cost-effective protection from even the smallest metal contaminants. Use this guide to help find a model best suited to your business.