ARL SMS Automation Systems for OES and XRF Spectrometers

Our company was first to recognize the opportunities in the metals and mining industries for automated sample preparation and analysis as part of quality control processes. Since the mid-1980s, this has led to the design and development of a range of flexible automation systems integrating the most advanced technologies and productivity enhancement tools such as robots.

We have continued to enhance our automation solutions for optical emission spectrometers OES and X-ray fluorescence XRF spectrometers to meet the stringent needs of the industry and offer even better reliability and improved performance while remaining cost effective.

Today, Thermo Scientific series of SMS automation systems span the entire metal and mining industry spectrum, from large aluminum smelters to modern steel works, including foundries and metals processors with varied capacities and needs.

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Popular OES & XRF automation products for metals and mining
Other OES and XRF automation products

Increase your capacity to handle more samples in less time. The Thermo Scientific ARL SMS-XY Automation for XRF permits continuous and unattended operation of Thermo Scientific ARL 9900 Series X-ray Spectrometers.

Keep up with production demands with automated XRF analysis. When different types of material must be processed in parallel, the Thermo Scientific ARL OPTIM’X WDXRF Spectrometer with the Thermo Scientific ARL SMS-Omega XRF Instrument is the solution.

ARL SMS-3300 Automation System for OES and XRF Spectrometers

The ARL SMS-3300 system is a turnkey laboratory workflow automation solution to drive process control laboratory efficiencies in the metals, cement, and mining industries.

ARL SMS-3500 Automation System for OES and XRF Spectrometers

With the ARL SMS-3500 automation system, sample preparation and XRF and OES analysis can be fully automated for an unattended 24/7 operation.

ARL SMS-2300 Automated Metals Analyzer for OES or XRF

The ARL SMS-2300 Robotics-Based Automation for OES or XRF is an automated quality control solution to optimize your metal production operation.

ARL QuantoShelter Automated Metals Analyzer

"Lab in a Box" solution for high-speed on-site metals process and quality control with integrated automatic sample preparation options.

Selection guide: ARL SMS Automation System

Comparison overview and application selection guide for ARL SMS Automated Systems for Optical Emission and X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometers.

Download selection guide

Selection Guide: ARL SMS Automation System

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