Soil Analysis

Simplify on-site containment screening

The identification and remediation of soil contamination is a major challenge. Toxic metals and other contaminants remain in the soil and can harm residents for generations to come. That’s why the U.S. EPA and other regulatory agencies rely on Thermo Scientific Niton X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzers, from preliminary site investigation to site remediation to clearance testing. Niton analyzers allow you to analyze all 26 elements listed in the U.S. EPA Method 6200 in a single analysis, and the non-destructive nature of the test also allows identical samples to be sent to the laboratory for confirmatory testing, as required (5% of all samples per EPA 6200).

In-Situ Soil Screening
Achieve rapid, qualitative, and semi-quantitative soil testing results to quickly profile contaminant levels and determine remediation boundaries. Niton analyzers are an ideal tool for Brownfield evaluation because they provide immediate identification and accurate characterization of the eight Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) metals. 

Ex-Situ Soil Analysis
Test bagged or prepared soil samples to gain a more homogenized, representative sample from the collection site. Thermo Scientific™ sample preparation tools can be used for true lab-grade analytical data.

Monitor and adjust remediation efforts on-the-spot, eliminate failed clearances, and minimize hazardous waste treatment and disposal by identifying materials that may require Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) analysis. Niton XRF analyzers provide multi-element quantification ranging from magnesium through uranium.

Test the handheld instruments engineered from the ground up to meet the demands of environmental soil analysis.

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