researcher using gibco media and plastics

Learn about cell culture and transfection methods and technologies

Cell culture and transfection are foundational techniques for life scientists, translational researchers, drug discovery and pre-clinical testing facilities, bioproduction, biobanking, and biorepository centers, and many other academic and applied efforts. Understanding (and effectively utilizing) the various cell lines, media and supplement systems, transfection techniques, incubators and biological safety cabinets, cultureware, and cryopreservation techniques can mean the difference between success and failure.

The purpose of this learning center is to connect scientists (whether new or experienced) to our many resources for learning about cell culture and transfection methods and techniques to help ensure your success every time you step into the lab.

Gibco Cell Culture Heroes

female and male researchers

Shining a spotlight on PhD and post-doc researchers with the primary focus of telling the story of their research. Join us as we promote education and create a community amongst researchers who are driving tomorrow's breakthroughs.

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Gibco Education & Virtual Labs

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Explore free, interactive virtual laboratories, where you can complete trainings in simulated lab environments for cell culture, transfection, protein expression, and pluripotent stem cells.  Get tips, see best practices, and take quizzes.

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Cell Culture Café Webinars

artistic icon of microscope with coffee mug

Join this science-based community where techniques, tips, and questions concerning cell culture are presented and discussed. Through these interactive webinars, our cell culture experts explore topics ideally suited to your lab.

Search the Cell Culture Café

Cell culture information

Cell culture is viewed as one of those enigmatic techniques by some researchers. There are so many parameters to consider: which cells to use, what media and supplements are appropriate, how often to feed, how to deal with contamination, etc. We've put together a collection of resources that we hope will give you the confidence to get started and to continuously improve your skills in the cell culture room.

Transfection information

Whether for protein expression, gene expression modulation, or genome editing, efficient, effective transfection relies on an optimal match between the cultured cells, the transfection reagent or equipment, and post-transfection care and maintenance. Get the information you need to get the results you're aiming for.

Recombinant proteins information

Recombinant proteins information

Many advanced cell culture models rely on bioactive recombinant proteins to achieve the desired phenotype(s). Learn what recombinant proteins are, how they can be used, and how to handle them so you’re set up for success.

Cryopreservation information

Preparation is key. Improper cryogenic preservation can have disastrous outcomes, leading to poor (or no!) cell recovery and project setbacks. Review information on cryopreservation and cold storage best practices before you freeze your first vial.

Cell culture equipment information

Biosafety cabinets, CO2 incubators, centrifuges, orbital shakers, media filters, and lab cultureware...there's a lot to understand to keep your cultures healthy, thriving, and contamination-free. Use our collection of resources on cell culture equipment to boost your effectiveness with all of the tasks of cell culture.

Cell Culture & Transfection Resource Library

Access a targeted collection of scientific application notes, publications, videos, webinars, and white papers for cell culture and transfection.

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Cell Culture & Transfection Application Notes

Search our application notes to find research applications and proof-of-concept experiments involving various products from our cell biology portfolio.

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Blog: Advancing Cell Culture

Find cell culture news, best practices, and informative resources for everything from cell isolation and growth to cell analysis, harvesting and storage.

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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.