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Technical cleanliness

The continued innovation and improvement of manufactured components relies on the ability of manufacturers to create products quickly and reliably without sacrificing quality. With increasing standards of cleanliness, ever more thorough analyses of parts are required to ensure they meet these high expectations. Additionally, the surface cleanliness of components is critical for the adhesion of additional coatings and treatments, directly correlating to the final quality of the part. In fact, cleanliness has been shown to correlate so closely to field failure rate that the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) and the International Organization of Standards (ISO) developed comprehensive standards specifically for characterizing the cleanliness of automotive components.

Cleanliness testing

Overall, this means that common methodologies for technical cleanliness, which offer limited analytical detail, may be unnecessarily restrictive. Inevitably, this leads to increased diagnostic time as manufacturers try to find the origin of the contamination from incomplete information, consequently increasing the cost to manufacture the part. Scanning electron microscopy/energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDX), meanwhile, provides the chemical composition of individual particles. This allows the manufacturer to set different cleanliness limits for particles that are most harmful for the component, whereas limits for benign particles can be more relaxed. 

Thermo Fisher Scientific offers a range of instrumentation and software that not only simplifies your cleanliness analysis, but also greatly reduces your production time as you bring the quality control process inhouse. By no longer relying on outsourcing for your QC analysis, production cycle time can increase up to ten-fold while giving you the peace of mind of controlling your valuable and confidential data.



Battery Research

Battery development is enabled by multi-scale analysis with microCT, SEM and TEM, Raman spectroscopy, XPS, and digital 3D visualization and analysis. Learn how this approach provides the structural and chemical information needed to build better batteries.

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Polymers Research

Polymer microstructure dictates the material’s bulk characteristics and performance. Electron microscopy enables comprehensive microscale analysis of polymer morphology and composition for R&D and quality control applications.

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Metals Research

Effective production of metals requires precise control of inclusions and precipitates. Our automated tools can perform a variety of tasks critical for metal analysis including; nanoparticle counting, EDS chemical analysis and TEM sample preparation.

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Automotive Materials Testing

Every component in a modern vehicle is designed for safety, efficiency, and performance. Detailed characterization of automotive materials with electron microscopy and spectroscopy informs critical process decisions, product improvements, and new materials.

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2D Materials

Novel materials research is increasingly interested in the structure of low-dimensional materials. Scanning transmission electron microscopy with probe correction and monochromation allows for high-resolution two-dimensional materials imaging.

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Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy

Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) collects detailed elemental information along with electron microscopy images, providing critical compositional context for EM observations. With EDS, chemical composition can be determined from quick, holistic surface scans down to individual atoms.

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EDS Elemental Analysis

Thermo Scientific Phenom Elemental Mapping Software provides fast and reliable information on the distribution of chemical elements within a sample.

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Particle analysis

Particle analysis plays a vital role in nanomaterials research and quality control. The nanometer-scale resolution and superior imaging of electron microscopy can be combined with specialized software for rapid characterization of powders and particles.

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Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy

Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) collects detailed elemental information along with electron microscopy images, providing critical compositional context for EM observations. With EDS, chemical composition can be determined from quick, holistic surface scans down to individual atoms.

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EDS Elemental Analysis

Thermo Scientific Phenom Elemental Mapping Software provides fast and reliable information on the distribution of chemical elements within a sample.

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Particle analysis

Particle analysis plays a vital role in nanomaterials research and quality control. The nanometer-scale resolution and superior imaging of electron microscopy can be combined with specialized software for rapid characterization of powders and particles.

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Phenom XL G2 Desktop SEM

  • For large samples (100x100 mm) and ideal for automation
  • <10 nm resolution and up to 200,000x magnification; 4.8 kV up to 20 kV acceleration voltage
  • Optional fully integrated EDS and BSE detector

Phenom ParticleX Battery Desktop SEM

  • Versatile solution for high-quality, in-house analysis
  • Automated system and analysis of multiple samples
  • Testing 10x faster

Phenom ParticleX TC Desktop SEM

  • Versatile desktop SEM with automation software for Technical Cleanliness
  • Resolution <10 nm; magnification up to 200,000x
  • Optional SE detector


  • Integrated software in ProSuite for online and offline analysis
  • Correlating particle features such as diameter, circularity, aspect ratio and convexity
  • Creating image datasets with Automated Image Mapping

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Electron microscopy services for
the materials science

To ensure optimal system performance, we provide you access to a world-class network of field service experts, technical support, and certified spare parts.