Materials Science Expert Testimonials

Materials science experts’ interviews and customer testimonials

Materials science researchers and experts share their work and discoveries made using Thermo Scientific instruments.

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“[I am] very impressed with the stability of the Talos.  It saves users and students a lot of time.”


Dr. Yufeng Zheng
Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering Program
University of Nevada, Reno

The university was able to run tests that lasted 16 hours+ without an issue, and, in one instance, they ran tests for two and a half days. "The microscope just kept capturing and stitching, and capturing"


Anastas Popratiloff, MD, PhD
Director and Lead Research Scientist
GW Nanofabrication and Imaging Center (GWNIC)

“We are not the type of facility that has the need for an aberration corrected TEM, but we benefit enormously from a state-of-the-art non-corrected FEG (S)TEM with full analytical capabilities, like Talos. We cover a lot of research ground with our instrumentation and characterization capabilities.”


Professor John Balk
Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies
University of Kentucky