April 2023

Tips for Equipment Maintenance

Equipment maintenance is a crucial aspect of running a successful laboratory. Equipment failure can lead to costly delays, increased downtime, and unreliable results. Without proper maintenance, equipment can suffer from wear and tear, eventually leading to failure. This blog post will explore some of the best practices for equipment maintenance in a lab.


Clean before and after use

In a lab, the equipment can gather dust and debris from the environment. This can interfere with the function of the equipment and lead to inaccurate results. It's essential to clean equipment regularly to avoid these issues. Cleaning should be done with the equipment's manual in mind, as some devices require specific cleaning products or techniques. Keep the equipment's external surfaces clean, and internal components should be kept free of debris and buildup to keep it functioning correctly.

Professional calibration

Calibration is necessary to ensure the accuracy of the results produced by equipment in the lab. Calibration can correct any inaccuracy in measurements and ensure the machine works as intended. The frequency of calibration depends on the equipment being used and its intended purpose. A preventative maintenance schedule is essential for calibration, as it can help ensure accuracy and reduce equipment downtime.

Document everything

Record-keeping is imperative in a lab environment. It allows lab technicians to keep track of the equipment's performance, maintenance history, and any issues that may have arisen. Accurate records can guide technicians when performing future maintenance, help identify patterns and recurring problems, and aid in troubleshooting when something goes wrong. This helps to extend the life of the equipment and reduce future downtime.

Repair and refurbish

From time to time, lab items will wear out and stop working. But rather than immediately disposing of faulty equipment, take the time to see if parts could be replaced or items can be repaired instead.

You may be surprised by how likely equipment can be updated and maintained instead of merely disposed of. Particularly with larger items, repairing and refurbishing parts can be an effective way to increase lifespan and keep down costs. Due to the nature of the items, some parts will wear quicker than others, but when adequately managed, these can be replaced in time to prevent problems or burnout. Consider centrifuges, filtration systems and microscope lenses: each can be replaced or refurbished without needing to dispose of the entire machine.

Never settle for low quality

Labs need quality instruments to ensure accurate and precise results. Using reliable instruments is essential for conducting clinical tests, conducting pharmaceutical research, or analysing environmental samples. Precision instruments can detect even the smallest number of a sample, and when data is precise, it can be trusted to make informed decisions. Inaccurate instruments can lead to incorrect results, which may have serious consequences, such as misdiagnosis, wasted time, and improperly formulated solutions. Therefore, laboratories must invest in high-quality instruments, spare parts and quality suppliers to ensure that they are calibrated accurately and regularly maintained to guarantee accurate and reliable results.

Thermo Fisher Scientific is a market-leader supplier of scientific equipment and instruments. We pride ourselves on supplying quality instruments and services. By maintaining close relationships with original equipment manufacturers, Thermo Fisher Scientific has a direct line to the source when creating a lab. Ensuring your instruments are of the highest quality, our NATA accredited laboratory provides long-term preventative maintenance, which is essential for de-risking lab instruments and extending the life of the equipment.  
Equipment Maintenance Infographic
Download our lab equipment maintenance tips infographic to display in your lab.


For more information, please contact one of our service experts today.

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