NIH 3T3 cells showing incorporation of BrdU.

Cells were pulsed with BrdU (B23151) for 30 min before fixation. BrdU incorporated into the DNA of proliferating cells was detected with an anti-BrdU antibody (A21300) and green-fluorescent Alexa Fluor 488 Goat Anti–Mouse IgG1 isotype–specific secondary antibody (A21121); the BrdU staining pattern is co-localized with the nuclear staining of blue-fluorescent DAPI (D1306, D21490). Mitochondria were labeled with anti–COX Complex IV subunit I antibody and red-fluorescent Alexa Fluor® 594 Goat Anti–Mouse IgG2a isotype-specific antibody (A21135). Coverslips were mounted with Prolong Antifade Mounting Medium (P7481).

Cells were pulsed with BrdU (B23151) for 30 min before fixation. BrdU incorporated into the DNA of proliferating cells was detected with an anti-BrdU antibody (A21300) and green-fluorescent Alexa Fluor 488 Goat Anti–Mouse IgG<sub>1</sub> isotype–specific secondary antibody (A21121); the BrdU staining pattern is co-localized with the nuclear staining of blue-fluorescent DAPI (D1306, D21490). Mitochondria were labeled with anti–COX Complex IV subunit I antibody and red-fluorescent Alexa Fluor® 594 Goat Anti–Mouse IgG<sub>2a</sub> isotype-specific antibody (A21135). Coverslips were mounted with Prolong Antifade Mounting Medium (P7481).

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