Barcode Sequence Representation

Eight sequencing libraries were independently constructed with 100 ng E. coli genomic DNA using barcoded adaptors in the Encore NGS Multiplex Library System I for Ion Torrent. The libraries were then mixed based on the mass determined by the Agilent Bioanalyzer High Sensitivity DNA Chip. The results indicate an even distribution of reads derived from libraries containing each barcode with no biased presentation from any of the barcoded libraries. The theoretical distribution of barcoded reads for an 8-plex run is 12.5% as indicated by the red line.

Eight sequencing libraries were independently constructed with 100 ng E. coli genomic DNA using barcoded adaptors in the Encore NGS Multiplex Library System I for Ion Torrent. The libraries were then mixed based on the mass determined by the Agilent Bioanalyzer High Sensitivity DNA Chip. The results indicate an even distribution of reads derived from libraries containing each barcode with no biased presentation from any of the barcoded libraries. The theoretical distribution of barcoded reads for an 8-plex run is 12.5% as indicated by the red line.

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