Porcine primary skeletal muscle cell transduced with Organelle Lights fluorescent proteins.

Porcine primary skeletal muscle cell transduced with Organelle Lights ER-GFP (O36212) and Nuc-GFP (O36209) fluorescent proteins. Transduction was performed in suspension for 30 minutes and cells were coloaded with Qtracker® 655 non-targeted quantum dots (Q21021MP). Image courtesy of Ann Bazar, Michael Rutten, and Kenton Gregory, Oregon Medical Laser Center, Portland.

Porcine primary skeletal muscle cell transduced with Organelle Lights ER-GFP (O36212) and Nuc-GFP (O36209) fluorescent proteins. Transduction was performed in suspension for 30 minutes and cells were coloaded with Qtracker® 655 non-targeted quantum dots (Q21021MP). Image courtesy of Ann Bazar, Michael Rutten, and Kenton Gregory, Oregon Medical Laser Center, Portland.

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