Immunoflorecence using NF-kappa-B (p65) Monoclonal Antibody, Mouse

NF-kappa-B (p65) Clone: 572 Cat. No. 436700. Immunoflorescence of 4% PFA-fixed Hela cells (A) NF-kappa-B (P65) Clone: 572 Cat. No. 436700 shown in green, Alexa Fluor® 488 secondary antibody. Nuclei are shown in blue with DAPI. (B) No primary antibody (negative control), Alexa Fluor® 488 secondary antibody, and Nuclei are shown in blue with DAPI.

NF-kappa-B (p65) Clone: 572 Cat. No. 436700. Immunoflorescence of 4% PFA-fixed Hela cells (A) NF-kappa-B (P65) Clone: 572 Cat. No. 436700 shown in green, Alexa Fluor® 488 secondary antibody. Nuclei are shown in blue with DAPI. (B) No primary antibody (negative control), Alexa Fluor® 488 secondary antibody, and Nuclei are shown in blue with DAPI.

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