Wheat root tips in seven stages of the cell cycle. 7-aminoactinomycin D.

Panel of confocal micrographs showing cells from wheat root tips in seven stages of the cell cycle. DNA was stained with 7-aminoactinomycin D (A1310]), and microtubules were labeled with an anti&endash;ß-tubulin antibody in conjunction with a fluorescein-labeled secondary antibody. Cells vary in width from about 15 µm to about 25 µm. The stages are (from top left): interphase cortical microtubule array; pre-prophase band of microtubules (predicts future plane of division); metaphase mitotic spindle; telophase, showing early phragmoplast and cell plate; fully developed phragmoplast during cytokinesis; late cytokinesis (plane of division matching plane of earlier pre-prophase band); restoration of cortical arrays in daughter cells. Image contributed by B.E.S. Gunning, Plant Cell Biology Group, Research School of Biological Sciences, Australian National University. Used with permission from Gunning, B.E.S. and Steer, M.W., Plant Cell Biology: Structure and Function, Jones and Bartlett Publishers (1995).

Panel of confocal micrographs showing cells from wheat root tips in seven stages of the cell cycle.  DNA was stained with 7-aminoactinomycin D (A1310]), and microtubules were labeled with an anti&endash;ß-tubulin antibody in conjunction with a fluorescein-labeled secondary antibody. Cells vary in width from about 15 µm to about 25 µm. The stages are (from top left):  interphase cortical microtubule array; pre-prophase band of microtubules (predicts future plane of division); metaphase mitotic spindle; telophase, showing early phragmoplast and cell plate; fully developed phragmoplast during cytokinesis; late cytokinesis (plane of division matching plane of earlier pre-prophase band); restoration of cortical arrays in daughter cells. Image contributed by B.E.S. Gunning, Plant Cell Biology Group, Research School of Biological Sciences, Australian National University.  Used with permission from Gunning, B.E.S. and Steer, M.W., <i>Plant Cell Biology: Structure and Function</i>, Jones and Bartlett Publishers (1995).

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