Zebrafish gut. BODIPY® TR-X phallacidin and SYTOX® Green nucleic acid stain.

Adult zebrafish gut cryosections that have been incubated with BODIPY® TR-X phallacidin (B7464), followed by the SYTOX® Green nucleic acid stain (S7020), and then dehydrated and mounted. The image was obtained by taking multiple exposures through bandpass optical filter sets appropriate for fluorescein and the Texas Red® dye.

Adult zebrafish gut cryosections that have been incubated with BODIPY® TR-X phallacidin (B7464), followed by the SYTOX® Green nucleic acid stain (S7020), and then dehydrated and mounted.  The image was obtained by taking multiple exposures through bandpass optical filter sets appropriate for fluorescein and the Texas Red® dye.

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