Antero-ventral and antero-dorsal lateral line nerves in an Ambystoma mexicanum brain. 3000 MW Rhodamine Green dextran and lysine-fixable 3000 MW tetramethylrhodamine dextran.

The antero-ventral and antero-dorsal lateral line nerves in an Ambystoma mexicanum whole-mounted brain after labeling with 3000 MW Rhodamine Green dextran (D7163) and lysine-fixable 3000 MW tetramethylrhodamine dextran (D3308), respectively. In both cases, the dextran was applied to the respective cut cranial nerves. This photomicrograph shows the four segregated ventral fascicles of the mechanosensory lateral line fibers and the intermingling of the dorsal electrosensory fibers. Image contributed by Bernd Fritzsch, Creighton University.

The antero-ventral and antero-dorsal lateral line nerves in an <i>Ambystoma mexicanum</i> whole-mounted brain after labeling with 3000 MW Rhodamine Green dextran (D7163) and lysine-fixable 3000 MW tetramethylrhodamine dextran (D3308), respectively. In both cases, the dextran was applied to the respective cut cranial nerves.  This photomicrograph shows the four segregated ventral fascicles of the mechanosensory lateral line fibers and the intermingling of the dorsal electrosensory fibers.  Image contributed by Bernd Fritzsch, Creighton University.

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