Thank you for your interest in the RapidFinder™ Analysis Software v3.0.

RapidFinder™ Analysis Software version v3.0 is the most recent version of this software tool. Current users of RapidFinder Analysis Software v2.0 can update to v3.0 by installing this update over the version that is already installed.

Please use the button below to download a .zip file which includes the software, installer and installation instructions:

Need to download new assay files? Return to the Molecular Microbiology Software page.


  • Database integration
    • MariaDB 10.6 (x64) database server included
    • Option to store experiment data in the database
  • New Search feature
    • Search for results and files with user selectable filters
    • Ability to open and review experiment files directly from the database
    • Ability to export search results to CSV formatted files
  • DB Import tool
    • Quickly upload batches of existing experiment files to the database allowing broad-based search and review of previously generated data 
  • Support for the latest QuantStudio™ 5 firmware version 1.5.1
    • All legacy versions including 1.3.3 are also supported

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