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The QuantStudio 6 and 7 Pro Real-Time PCR Systems have a smaller footprint than the QuantStudio 6 and 7 Flex Real-Time PCR Systems. In addition, the QuantStudio 6 and 7 Pro Real-Time PCR Systems have the following advanced features:

  • Sign-in with facial authentication
  • Hands-free interchangeable block
  • Microphone for voice activation
  • Speakers for feedback from voice activation and for instructional videos
  • Smart Help to request technical support or instrument service directly from the instrument
  • Optional WiFi for connectivity to Connect
  • Hands-free operation with TaqMan Array Plates with RFID
  • Veriflex zones (3 zones in QuantStudio 6 Pro and 6 zones in QuantStudio 7 Pro system)

We recommend performing the ROI/Uniformity and Pure Dye calibrations every two years, and the background calibration every month (or as needed). The calibration plates can be reused up to three times if they are stored properly and used within 6 months after opening and before the plate expiration date.

Instrument Account Setup

The first profile created on the instrument will be assigned the role of the instrument administrator. The first Connect profile to be linked to the instrument will be assigned the role of a Connect Administrator. Any local instrument profile that is then subsequently linked to a Connect profile will become a local account (even if it was previously an admin account). In addition, when a local instrument profile is linked to a Connect profile, the login name will be updated to that of the Connect profile. The local profile can be re-assigned back to an admin account by the instrument administrator.

No. These are optional features. You can log into the instrument with a User PIN instead of facial authentication if you wish. If you want to use voice activation, voice command must be enabled by the instrument administrator in order to be available for other users. In addition, voice command is only available when a user is signed in with a Connect account.

Voice activation will be available if voice command has been enabled by the instrument administrator, and the instrument is logged into with a Connect account. If you do not wish to use voice activation, simply tap the microphone icon. The microphone icon will now be red with a strikethrough, indicating that voice activation has been disabled.

Instrument Basics

This review is the same as “Curve Quality” in the Design and Analysis 2.0 Software. Curve Quality calls out wells that that have suspect issues with amplification or noise spikes. Review the amplification plots to determine if the data is acceptable or not.

  • Tap the (Eject) button to open the instrument drawer.
  • Load the plate onto the block.
  • The barcode should face the front of the instrument, with well A1 in the top-left corner of the block. The RFID tag will be on the A1 side of the plate.
  • Tap the (Eject) button to close the instrument drawer.
  • The instrument will read the RFID tag and display the Plate Properties screen. The RFID tag conveys the run method and assay layout to the instrument. The run method that will pre-populate is for the TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix.
  • Make sure to check and edit the thermal profile as needed if you are using a different master mix (Method ► Edit).

Hands-free operation can be enabled by an instrument administrator with a Connect profile. From the home screen, tap “Settings” ► “Hands-free operation”. Set “Enable facial authentication” and “Enable voice command” to “On”.

If you want to use voice activation, voice command must be enabled by the instrument administrator in order to be available for other users. In addition, voice command is only available when a user is signed in with a Connect account.

All voice commands should start with the prompt “Alexa, open Pro instrument”, followed by one of the commands shown below:

  • Go home
  • Open door
  • Shut door
  • Begin run
  • End run
  • Lock screen
  • Change block
  • Instrument scheduler
  • Help
  • Smart support

Plate Setup and Editing

Yes, a pause can be adding during a run, or as part of the run method itself.

  • To add a pause during a run (on the fly):
    • Press the “Action” button on the instrument touchscreen.
    • Select “Pause Run”, then “Yes”.
    • Enter the temperature for the hold. The plate can be ejected during this time.
    • The run will remain paused until you tap the “Press to resume” button.

This can be done either during the cycling stage or a hold stage.

  • To add a pause as part of a run method:
    • From the Method screen, select Edit ► Advanced ► Add pause.
    • Select the PCR stage in which you want to add the pause by tapping the “II”.
    • Enter the hold temperature of the pause and the cycle at which it should occur. The instrument will hold the block at the pause until “Press to resume” is selected on the touchscreen.

This can only be done during a PCR stage (will pause after the last step of the cycle number you selected).

Yes, you can change the number of cycles during a run. To do so from the instrument touchscreen:

  • Swipe left to view the run method screen.
  • Tap on “Cycle”, underneath the PCR stage.
  • Enter in the new “end number of cycles” you want to perform and select “Enter”.
  • The “Cycle number” should update and now reflect the cycle number you entered.
  • Go to the “Plate” tab for the run.
  • Select “Actions” in the lower left corner, if you have a *.csv file to import the sample setup. Otherwise, highlight the desired wells on the plate layout by dragging your finger, then tap in the “Sample Information” box to the right.
  • Then select the tab for the information you want to populate (in this case “Samples”).
  • Type in the sample name and select “Enter”.
  • From the dropdown, choose the sample type (“Unknown”, “Standard”, “NTC”, or “Positive Control”).
  • Select “Done”.
  • Go to the “Plate” tab for the run.
  • Select “Actions” in the lower left corner, if you have a *.csv file to import the sample setup. Otherwise, highlight the desired wells on the plate layout by dragging your finger, then tap in the “Sample Information” box to the right.
  • Then select the tab for the information you want to populate (in this case “Target/SNP”).
  • Select either “Target” or “Assay” (for SNP Genotyping Assays) from the dropdown.
  • Select a row in the table, then select “Add New”.
  • Type in the target name, reporter dye, quencher dye, and select “Add Target”.
  • The new target should now show in the list.
  • Select “Close” (make sure the row is highlighted), then “Done”.
  • From the dropdown, choose the sample type (“Unknown”, “Standard”, “NTC”, or “Positive Control”).
  • Select “Done”.
  • If you do not see the target on the plate layout, make sure the “Color by dropdown” is set to “Target Color”.

Design and Analysis Software

The plate file is sent to the Run Queue for the instrument from the Design and Analysis Desktop Software, or saved as a plate file in the Design and Analysis App in Connect. The run is then started only from the instrument. You can monitor a run from the Desktop Software, but you can only see the real-time data during a run from the instrument itself, or in Connect.

The QC Alert tab is made up of two sections: Curve Quality and Results Quality. Curve Quality includes those parameters that are flagged by the instrument itself (after a run is complete, this would show up as “Review Required”). Results Quality includes specific rules that are set up by the end user. Results Quality is disabled by default and must be enabled in the software by the user.

First, Results Quality is disabled by default and must be enabled by the end user. To do so, go to the “Quality Check” screen ► Actions (button) ► Analysis Settings. Then click over to the “QC Alerts” tab and check the box for “Results Quality”. You will now have the option to set up alert rules that would flag any wells that would be outside the range of the rule. The rules can be sample- or target-based and include parameters such as Cq, Cq Value Range, Cq Confidence Range, Cq Standard Deviation Range, Amp Status, Amp Score Range, and Delta Rn Range. Please note that these rules can be saved as part of the plate file and will flag a well, but not automatically omit it.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.