
A new STR chemistry for paternity and kinship testing


Paternity and kinship testing can present challenges in the complexity of claimed relationships and subsequent statistical analyses.

Thermo Fisher Scientific offers a streamlined workflow solution for paternity and kinship testing that helps maximize a laboratory’s efficiency of sample processing and data management. This solution includes the NDIS approved Applied Biosystems VeriFiler Express PCR amplification chemistry with high discrimination power and direct amplification capability, and Applied Biosystems Converge data analysis software, an all-in-one, modular, browser-based enterprise platform that integrates DNA data management and analysis into a single software product. Converge software identifies and processes Trio Paternity, Trio Maternity, Duo Fatherless, and Duo Motherless kinship tests by automatically creating cases, adding subjects and profiles, running analyses, and generating reports.


VeriFiler Express PCR Amplification Kit

Offering superior genotyping results from single-source samples, the VeriFiler Express PCR Amplification Kit uses new 6-dye STR Chemistry for paternity kinship analysis. This solution facilitates high throughput and efficient sample-to-profile processing, typically in less than 2 hours.




High discrimination power25-marker multiplex assay that includes two gender markers as well as the highly discriminatory Penta D and Penta E markers for paternity applications
Maximized throughput

Shorter amplification time of 45 min (typically) in direct amplification mode

Increased flexibility

The new chemistry is tested with commonly used substrates such as treated paper, untreated paper and swabs.

Efficient workflowData results integrated into the new Converge software to centralize storage for ease of access
Optimized chemistry The new chemistry is validated with multiple sample collection devices such as treated paper, untreated paper, and swabs. It's also designed to work with the most commonly used substrates.
NDIS approvedThe VeriFiler Express kit is approved for use by laboratories who are also generating DNA profiles for inclusion in the US National DNA Index System (NDIS) CODIS database.

Substrate performance: results show optimal peak heights and clean baselines
Substrate performance

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