Invitrogen Power Blotter western blot semi-dry transfer system

Versatile semi-dry transfer–the performance you want with the flexibility you need

The Invitrogen Power Blotter is our flexible solution for western blot transfer, from interchangeable blotting cassettes to suit your required throughput, to multiple transfer stack consumable choices.

Designed for rapid 5–10 minute semi-dry transfer of proteins from polyacrylamide gels to nitrocellulose or PVDF membranes, the Invitrogen Power Blotter utilizes an integrated power supply, LCD touchscreen, and pre-programmed, optimized transfer protocols. Harness the power of the Invitrogen Power Blotter in your western blotting workflow. Explore more in the tabs below.

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Invitrogen Power Blotter with XL cassette inserted

Power Blotter – 3D Virtual Tour

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Semi-dry transfer

The Invitrogen Power Blotter semi-dry transfer system is an all-in-one, integrated transfer system. There is no need for an external power supply–the Power Blotter features an integrated power supply capable of delivering high current for rapid transfer. Select from a series of pre-programmed, optimized transfer methods on the LCD touchscreen depending on your protein(s) of interest or create custom programs based on your needs.

Invitrogen Power Blotter system has a built-in power supply and LCD touchscreen and interchangeable transfer cassettes
Transfer methodConstant amperageDefault run time
Low MW (<25 kDa)1.3 amps5 minutes
Mixed-range MW (25-150 kDa)1.3 amps7 minutes
High MW (>150 kDa)1.3 amps10 minutes
1.5 mm thick gels1.3 amps10 minutes
 Constant voltageDefault run time
Standard semi-dry (with Towbin Transfer Buffer)25 volts (1.0 amp)60 minutes

System specifications

 Power Blotter XL CassettePower Blotting Cassette
Capacity 1–4 mini or 1–2 midi gels1–2 mini or 1 midi gel
Transfer time5–10 min5–10 min
Blotting area21 x 22.5 cm10 x 18 cm  
Transfer buffer volume Pre-cut membranes & filters: 50–100 mL
Select Transfer Stacks: buffer not required
MethodsFive pre-programmed methods based on protein molecular weight range and gel thickness or develop custom blotting methods
Power supplyInternal
Available consumables
  • Ready-to-use Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks
  • Pre-cut Membranes & Filter sets
  • Power Blotter 1-Step Transfer Buffer

The Invitrogen Power Blotter is our most flexible transfer device – offering options based on throughput and transfer speed, making Power Blotter the transfer device suited to grow around your lab’s needs.

The Power Blotter Cassette allows for simultaneous transfer of 1 to 2 mini-sized gels or 1 midi-sized gel. The Power Blotter XL Cassette provides the potential for increased throughput, for simultaneous transfer of up to 4 mini-sized gels or up to 2 midi-sized gels. Both cassettes are interchangeable with the Power Blotter Station power supply and control base to form the Power Blotter System or Power Blotter XL System.

Invitrogen Power Blotter transfer cassette
Invitrogen Power Blotter semi-dry transfer system with transfer cassette inserted
Transfer 1-2 mini-sized gels or 1 midi-sized gel
Power Blotter
Invitrogen Power Blotter XL transfer cassette
Invitrogen Power Blotter with XL cassette inserted
Transfer 1-4 mini-sized gels or 2 midi-sized gels
Power Blotter XL

The Invitrogen Power Blotter can be used with our do-it-yourself or ready-to-use transfer stacks.

The Invitrogen Power Blotter Pre-cut Membranes and Filters come prepared with your choice of nitrocellulose (0.2 and 0.45 uM pore sizes available) or PVDF (0.45 uM pore size available) sandwiched between four sheets of our 0.85 mm thick filter papers, which combine for the appropriate thickness and buffer capacity for optimal performance. Pairing the Power Blotter Pre-cut Membranes and Filters with the Power Blotter 1-Step Transfer Buffer allow for high efficiency semi-dry transfer of proteins in as little as 5 minutes. The Power Blotter 1-Step Transfer Buffer is a specialized high ionic strength transfer buffer, which allows for the increased current necessary to deliver rapid transfer.

Diagram of Power Blotter cassette with Power Blotter Pre-Cut Membrane and Filters

Diagram of Power Blotter cassette with Power Blotter Pre-Cut Membrane and Filters. (1) Cathode, (2) 2 sheets of filter paper, (3) Pre-run gel, (4) Membrane, (5) 2 sheets of filter paper, (6) Anode.

Invitrogen pre-cut transfer membranes and filters for transferring mini gels and product box

Power Blotter Pre-Cut Membranes and Filters.

As an alternative, more convenient option, the Power Blotter Select Stacks are pre-assembled transfer stacks that utilize a gel matrix technology which incorporates optimized anode and cathode buffers to serve as ion reservoirs necessary for transfer. These gel matrix buffer reservoirs enable the system to generate a high field strength to increases the overall transfer speed and efficiency. Additionally, the gel matrix format of the Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks eliminates the need for preparing buffers, soaking filter paper and membranes, and minimizes handling that can lead to inconsistent performance.

Diagram of Power Blotter cassette with Power Blotter Select Stacks

Diagram of Power Blotter cassette with Power Blotter Select Stacks. (1) Cathode, (2) Cathode gel matrix with protective sheet above, (3) Pre-run gel, (4) Membrane, (5) Anode gel matrix with protective sheet underneath, (6) Anode.

Invitrogen Power Blotter select transfer stacks and product box

Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks.

The Invitrogen Power Blotter offers high transfer efficiency for a broad range of protein sizes.

Apparatus and consumablesPower Blotter with Select Transfer StacksPower Blotter with Pre-cut Membranes and Filters and Power Blotter 1-Step Transfer Buffer
Transfer time5-10 minutes5-10 minutes
Transfer efficiency
Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks and Power Blotter Pre-Cut Membrane and Filter stacks efficiently transfer high, mid, and low molecular weight proteins. Western blot analysis of several targets (KLH, EGFR, Hsp90, PDI and Cyclophilin B protein) was performed by loading serially diluted HeLa cell lysate with KLH spike (starting at 7.5 µg HeLa lysate, 7.5 µg KLH spike per well, serially diluted 2:3) onto Bolt 4-12% Bis-Tris Plus gels. Proteins were transferred in 7 minutes using a Power Blotter Select Transfer Stack (left, PB5310; PB3310) and Power Blotter Pre-cut Membranes and Filter stack (right, PB9320; PB7320), probed with target-specific primary antibodies and fluorescently conjugated secondary antibodies. Images captured using automatic exposure on an iBright FL1000 Imaging System.

Power Blotter delivers reliable results. For increased reproducibility, Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks deliver exceptional performance.

12 individual Invitrogen Bolt 4-12% Bis-Tris Plus gels transferred using Invitrogen Power Blotter with Invitrogen Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks

Reliable blot to blot transfer performance. 12 individual Bolt 4-12% Bis-Tris Plus gels transferred using Power Blotter with Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks. Each blot probed for the same target proteins.

The handling inconsistencies that can occur with a more traditional do-it-yourself transfer stack setup include uneven hydration of membranes, insufficient removal of methanol/ethanol from activated PVDF membrane, incorrect setup of stack (too many and/or too few filter paper layers, incorrect membrane and/or gel orientation), drying of stacks while others are being assembled, and contaminated buffers, all of which can lead to less than ideal transfer performance.

Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks help eliminate handling inconsistencies that can affect transfer performance

Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks help eliminate handling inconsistencies that can affect transfer performance. Western blot analysis of several targets (KLH, EGFR, Hsp90, PDI and p23 protein) was performed by loading serially diluted HeLa cell lysate starting at 7.5 µg to 200 ng (2 to 3 dilution) per well spiked with serially diluted KLH protein starting at 7.5 ng to 0.20 ng per well onto Bolt 4-12% Bis-Tris Plus gels. Proteins were transferred in 7 minutes using a Power Blotter Select Transfer Stack (left, PB5310; PB3310) and Power Blotter Pre-cut Membranes and Filter stack (right, PB9320; PB7320), probed with target-specific primary antibodies and HRP conjugated secondary antibodies, and incubated with SuperSignal West Dura Extended Duration Substrate. Images captured using automatic exposure on an iBright FL1000 Imaging System.

Just getting started?

Choose one of our Power Blotter Welcome Packs:

Power Blotter Welcome Pack

Power Blotter Welcome Pack

Nitrocellulose option:

  • Power Blotter Station
  • Power Blotter Cassette
  • Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks, Nitrocellulose, Regular size
  • Power Blotter Pre-cut Membranes and Filters, Nitrocellulose, Regular size
  • Power Blotter 1-Step Transfer Buffer

PVDF option:

  • Power Blotter Station
  • Power Blotter Cassette
  • Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks, PVDF, Regular size
  • Power Blotter Pre-cut Membranes and Filters, PVDF, Regular size
  • Power Blotter 1-Step Transfer Buffer

Need more throughput?

Choose one of our Power Blotter XL Welcome Packs:

Power Blotter XL Welcome Pack

Power Blotter XL Welcome Pack

Nitrocellulose option:

  • Power Blotter Station
  • Power Blotter XL Cassette
  • Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks, Nitrocellulose, Regular size
  • Power Blotter Pre-cut Membranes and Filters, Nitrocellulose, Regular size
  • Power Blotter 1-Step Transfer Buffer

PVDF option:

  • Power Blotter Station
  • Power Blotter XL Cassette
  • Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks, PVDF, Regular size
  • Power Blotter Pre-cut Membranes and Filters, PVDF, Regular size
  • Power Blotter 1-Step Transfer Buffer

Transfer membranes for the Power Blotter System

The Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks are pre-assembled stacks that come with an integrated preactivated PVDF or nitrocellulose transfer membrane for dry blotting of proteins from polyacrylamide gels. Each Power Blotter Select Transfer Stack contains filter paper, membrane, and the appropriate cathode and anode buffers incorporated into a solid gel matrix to allow fast, reliable transfer of proteins.

Select stack PVDF membranes

The PVDF membrane (0.45 µm pore size, low fluorescence) has higher binding capacity than nitrocellulose. The membrane is compatible with commonly used detection methods such as staining, immunodetection, and fluorescence. The proteins bind to the membrane through hydrophobic interactions. This membrane has lower background levels and increased sensitivity for fluorescent probing than regular PVDF membranes.

Select stack Nitrocellulose membrane

The nitrocellulose membrane (0.2 µm pore size) in the stack is composed of 100% pure nitrocellulose to provide high-quality transfer. The membrane is compatible with commonly used detection methods such as staining, chemiluminescence, and fluorescence. The proteins bind to the membrane through hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions. The protein binding capacity is 209 µg/cm2.

Invitrogen Power Blotter Pre-cut Membranes and Filters are convenient pre-cut membranes and filters that include 20 sheets of polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) or nitrocellulose and 80 sheets of absorbent blotting paper (0.85 mm thickness). Power Blotter Pre-cut Membranes and Filters combined with Power Blotter 1-Step Transfer Buffer allow for high-efficiency semi-dry transfer of proteins in less than 10 minutes.

Transfer buffers for Power Blotter System

Transfer typeTransfer buffer
Rapid transfer (5-12 minutes)Power Blotter 1-Step Transfer Buffer (5X) (Cat. No. PB7100)
Pierce 1-Step Transfer Buffer (1X) (Cat. No. 84731)
Standard semi-dry transferTris-Glycine Buffer Packs (Towbin buffer) (Cat. No. 28380)

1-Step Transfer buffer is a high ionic strength formulation which allows for 5-minute to 12-minute protein transfer when used with compatible semi-dry blotting systems. Such devices should provide constant high current (1.3 to 5.0 amps) to rapidly transfer proteins via the high ionic strength conditions supplied by the transfer buffer.

Semi-dry transfer

The Invitrogen Power Blotter semi-dry transfer system is an all-in-one, integrated transfer system. There is no need for an external power supply–the Power Blotter features an integrated power supply capable of delivering high current for rapid transfer. Select from a series of pre-programmed, optimized transfer methods on the LCD touchscreen depending on your protein(s) of interest or create custom programs based on your needs.

Invitrogen Power Blotter system has a built-in power supply and LCD touchscreen and interchangeable transfer cassettes
Transfer methodConstant amperageDefault run time
Low MW (<25 kDa)1.3 amps5 minutes
Mixed-range MW (25-150 kDa)1.3 amps7 minutes
High MW (>150 kDa)1.3 amps10 minutes
1.5 mm thick gels1.3 amps10 minutes
 Constant voltageDefault run time
Standard semi-dry (with Towbin Transfer Buffer)25 volts (1.0 amp)60 minutes

System specifications

 Power Blotter XL CassettePower Blotting Cassette
Capacity 1–4 mini or 1–2 midi gels1–2 mini or 1 midi gel
Transfer time5–10 min5–10 min
Blotting area21 x 22.5 cm10 x 18 cm  
Transfer buffer volume Pre-cut membranes & filters: 50–100 mL
Select Transfer Stacks: buffer not required
MethodsFive pre-programmed methods based on protein molecular weight range and gel thickness or develop custom blotting methods
Power supplyInternal
Available consumables
  • Ready-to-use Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks
  • Pre-cut Membranes & Filter sets
  • Power Blotter 1-Step Transfer Buffer

The Invitrogen Power Blotter is our most flexible transfer device – offering options based on throughput and transfer speed, making Power Blotter the transfer device suited to grow around your lab’s needs.

The Power Blotter Cassette allows for simultaneous transfer of 1 to 2 mini-sized gels or 1 midi-sized gel. The Power Blotter XL Cassette provides the potential for increased throughput, for simultaneous transfer of up to 4 mini-sized gels or up to 2 midi-sized gels. Both cassettes are interchangeable with the Power Blotter Station power supply and control base to form the Power Blotter System or Power Blotter XL System.

Invitrogen Power Blotter transfer cassette
Invitrogen Power Blotter semi-dry transfer system with transfer cassette inserted
Transfer 1-2 mini-sized gels or 1 midi-sized gel
Power Blotter
Invitrogen Power Blotter XL transfer cassette
Invitrogen Power Blotter with XL cassette inserted
Transfer 1-4 mini-sized gels or 2 midi-sized gels
Power Blotter XL

The Invitrogen Power Blotter can be used with our do-it-yourself or ready-to-use transfer stacks.

The Invitrogen Power Blotter Pre-cut Membranes and Filters come prepared with your choice of nitrocellulose (0.2 and 0.45 uM pore sizes available) or PVDF (0.45 uM pore size available) sandwiched between four sheets of our 0.85 mm thick filter papers, which combine for the appropriate thickness and buffer capacity for optimal performance. Pairing the Power Blotter Pre-cut Membranes and Filters with the Power Blotter 1-Step Transfer Buffer allow for high efficiency semi-dry transfer of proteins in as little as 5 minutes. The Power Blotter 1-Step Transfer Buffer is a specialized high ionic strength transfer buffer, which allows for the increased current necessary to deliver rapid transfer.

Diagram of Power Blotter cassette with Power Blotter Pre-Cut Membrane and Filters

Diagram of Power Blotter cassette with Power Blotter Pre-Cut Membrane and Filters. (1) Cathode, (2) 2 sheets of filter paper, (3) Pre-run gel, (4) Membrane, (5) 2 sheets of filter paper, (6) Anode.

Invitrogen pre-cut transfer membranes and filters for transferring mini gels and product box

Power Blotter Pre-Cut Membranes and Filters.

As an alternative, more convenient option, the Power Blotter Select Stacks are pre-assembled transfer stacks that utilize a gel matrix technology which incorporates optimized anode and cathode buffers to serve as ion reservoirs necessary for transfer. These gel matrix buffer reservoirs enable the system to generate a high field strength to increases the overall transfer speed and efficiency. Additionally, the gel matrix format of the Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks eliminates the need for preparing buffers, soaking filter paper and membranes, and minimizes handling that can lead to inconsistent performance.

Diagram of Power Blotter cassette with Power Blotter Select Stacks

Diagram of Power Blotter cassette with Power Blotter Select Stacks. (1) Cathode, (2) Cathode gel matrix with protective sheet above, (3) Pre-run gel, (4) Membrane, (5) Anode gel matrix with protective sheet underneath, (6) Anode.

Invitrogen Power Blotter select transfer stacks and product box

Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks.

The Invitrogen Power Blotter offers high transfer efficiency for a broad range of protein sizes.

Apparatus and consumablesPower Blotter with Select Transfer StacksPower Blotter with Pre-cut Membranes and Filters and Power Blotter 1-Step Transfer Buffer
Transfer time5-10 minutes5-10 minutes
Transfer efficiency
Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks and Power Blotter Pre-Cut Membrane and Filter stacks efficiently transfer high, mid, and low molecular weight proteins. Western blot analysis of several targets (KLH, EGFR, Hsp90, PDI and Cyclophilin B protein) was performed by loading serially diluted HeLa cell lysate with KLH spike (starting at 7.5 µg HeLa lysate, 7.5 µg KLH spike per well, serially diluted 2:3) onto Bolt 4-12% Bis-Tris Plus gels. Proteins were transferred in 7 minutes using a Power Blotter Select Transfer Stack (left, PB5310; PB3310) and Power Blotter Pre-cut Membranes and Filter stack (right, PB9320; PB7320), probed with target-specific primary antibodies and fluorescently conjugated secondary antibodies. Images captured using automatic exposure on an iBright FL1000 Imaging System.

Power Blotter delivers reliable results. For increased reproducibility, Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks deliver exceptional performance.

12 individual Invitrogen Bolt 4-12% Bis-Tris Plus gels transferred using Invitrogen Power Blotter with Invitrogen Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks

Reliable blot to blot transfer performance. 12 individual Bolt 4-12% Bis-Tris Plus gels transferred using Power Blotter with Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks. Each blot probed for the same target proteins.

The handling inconsistencies that can occur with a more traditional do-it-yourself transfer stack setup include uneven hydration of membranes, insufficient removal of methanol/ethanol from activated PVDF membrane, incorrect setup of stack (too many and/or too few filter paper layers, incorrect membrane and/or gel orientation), drying of stacks while others are being assembled, and contaminated buffers, all of which can lead to less than ideal transfer performance.

Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks help eliminate handling inconsistencies that can affect transfer performance

Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks help eliminate handling inconsistencies that can affect transfer performance. Western blot analysis of several targets (KLH, EGFR, Hsp90, PDI and p23 protein) was performed by loading serially diluted HeLa cell lysate starting at 7.5 µg to https://200 ng (2 to 3 dilution) per well spiked with serially diluted KLH protein starting at 7.5 ng to 0.https://20 ng per well onto Bolt 4-12% Bis-Tris Plus gels. Proteins were transferred in 7 minutes using a Power Blotter Select Transfer Stack (left, PB5310; PB3310) and Power Blotter Pre-cut Membranes and Filter stack (right, PB93https://20; PB73https://20), probed with target-specific primary antibodies and HRP conjugated secondary antibodies, and incubated with SuperSignal West Dura Extended Duration Substrate. Images captured using automatic exposure on an iBright FL1000 Imaging System.

Just getting started?

Choose one of our Power Blotter Welcome Packs:

Power Blotter Welcome Pack

Power Blotter Welcome Pack

Nitrocellulose option:

  • Power Blotter Station
  • Power Blotter Cassette
  • Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks, Nitrocellulose, Regular size
  • Power Blotter Pre-cut Membranes and Filters, Nitrocellulose, Regular size
  • Power Blotter 1-Step Transfer Buffer

PVDF option:

  • Power Blotter Station
  • Power Blotter Cassette
  • Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks, PVDF, Regular size
  • Power Blotter Pre-cut Membranes and Filters, PVDF, Regular size
  • Power Blotter 1-Step Transfer Buffer

Need more throughput?

Choose one of our Power Blotter XL Welcome Packs:

Power Blotter XL Welcome Pack

Power Blotter XL Welcome Pack

Nitrocellulose option:

  • Power Blotter Station
  • Power Blotter XL Cassette
  • Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks, Nitrocellulose, Regular size
  • Power Blotter Pre-cut Membranes and Filters, Nitrocellulose, Regular size
  • Power Blotter 1-Step Transfer Buffer

PVDF option:

  • Power Blotter Station
  • Power Blotter XL Cassette
  • Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks, PVDF, Regular size
  • Power Blotter Pre-cut Membranes and Filters, PVDF, Regular size
  • Power Blotter 1-Step Transfer Buffer

Transfer membranes for the Power Blotter System

The Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks are pre-assembled stacks that come with an integrated preactivated PVDF or nitrocellulose transfer membrane for dry blotting of proteins from polyacrylamide gels. Each Power Blotter Select Transfer Stack contains filter paper, membrane, and the appropriate cathode and anode buffers incorporated into a solid gel matrix to allow fast, reliable transfer of proteins.

Select stack PVDF membranes

The PVDF membrane (0.45 µm pore size, low fluorescence) has higher binding capacity than nitrocellulose. The membrane is compatible with commonly used detection methods such as staining, immunodetection, and fluorescence. The proteins bind to the membrane through hydrophobic interactions. This membrane has lower background levels and increased sensitivity for fluorescent probing than regular PVDF membranes.

Select stack Nitrocellulose membrane

The nitrocellulose membrane (0.2 µm pore size) in the stack is composed of 100% pure nitrocellulose to provide high-quality transfer. The membrane is compatible with commonly used detection methods such as staining, chemiluminescence, and fluorescence. The proteins bind to the membrane through hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions. The protein binding capacity is 209 µg/cm2.

Invitrogen Power Blotter Pre-cut Membranes and Filters are convenient pre-cut membranes and filters that include 20 sheets of polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) or nitrocellulose and 80 sheets of absorbent blotting paper (0.85 mm thickness). Power Blotter Pre-cut Membranes and Filters combined with Power Blotter 1-Step Transfer Buffer allow for high-efficiency semi-dry transfer of proteins in less than 10 minutes.

Transfer buffers for Power Blotter System

Transfer typeTransfer buffer
Rapid transfer (5-12 minutes)Power Blotter 1-Step Transfer Buffer (5X) (Cat. No. PB7100)
Pierce 1-Step Transfer Buffer (1X) (Cat. No. 84731)
Standard semi-dry transferTris-Glycine Buffer Packs (Towbin buffer) (Cat. No. 28380)

1-Step Transfer buffer is a high ionic strength formulation which allows for 5-minute to 12-minute protein transfer when used with compatible semi-dry blotting systems. Such devices should provide constant high current (1.3 to 5.0 amps) to rapidly transfer proteins via the high ionic strength conditions supplied by the transfer buffer.

How-to videos

How to perform a western blot semi-dry transfer using the Invitrogen Power Blotter and the Select Transfer Stacks

Learn how to perform a rapid western blot transfer in 6–10 minutes using the Invitrogen Power Blotter and ready-to-use stacks.

How to perform a western blot semi-dry transfer using the Invitrogen Power Blotter with Pre-cut Membranes and Filters

Learn how to perform a rapid western blot transfer in 10 minutes using the Invitrogen Power Blotter.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.