Accessories for Electron Microscopes

Electron Diffraction Images for Structural Analysis: Ceta-D Camera

Micro electron diffraction detector for organic molecules, proteins, and bio pharmaceuticals.

The Thermo Scientific Ceta-D Camera is a scintillator-based camera optimized for low-dose diffraction data collection. It is ideal for working with dose-sensitive materials, such as proteins, pharmaceutical molecules, and organic materials.

The camera’s high sensitivity allows for reliable detection of high-resolution, low-intensity diffraction peaks, and its high signal-to-noise ratio enables accurate measurement of the integrated peak intensity. Both of these properties are prerequisites for obtaining high-resolution structural information. After acquisition, the diffraction patterns and metadata are readily available for processing (similar to standard X-ray diffraction data), using software packages like DIALS or XDS. Resolutions better than 1 Å have been reported.

MicroED package

Coupled with the Ceta-D Camera, the MicroED Package provides all the necessary elements to perform micro electron diffraction, either on a new instrument or as a retrofit onto an existing tool. It includes:

  • Thermo Scientific EPU-D Software for screening and automated data acquisition. EPU-D Software now expands the intuitive capabilities and unified user experience of Thermo Scientific EPU Software to the electron crystallography domain. 
  • Optimized smaller beam stop to mask the central beam without blocking low-resolution diffraction spots. 
  • Optimized aperture set to maximally suppress unwanted background signals from the area surrounding the crystal. 
  • Dedicated electron-optical settings to enable optimal camera utilization while benefiting from best sample-beam geometry.

The MicroED Package is a perfect match with the CETA-D Camera but may also be combined with other Thermo Scientific cameras for special application requirements.

Proteinase K structured determined by micro electron diffraction.
Proteinase K structured determined by micro electron diffraction. Data provided by the Gonen Laboratory HHMI/UCLA.

Key Features

Ceta-D camera

  • Optimized for low-dose diffraction data collection
  • High sensitivity for reliable detection of high-resolution, low-intensity diffraction peaks 
  • High signal-to-noise ratio for accurate integrated peak intensity

MicroED package

  • Dedicated software for crystal/diffraction screening as well as automated data acquisition
  • Modified beam stop, optimized for micro electron diffraction
  • Optical presets provide optimized camera exposure for MicroED
  • Optimized C2/SA aperture set and 90° rotation projection system (200 kV systems only)
  • Compatible with Thermo Scientific Krios, Glacios, Talos Arctica and Talos F200 Cryo-TEMs. For compatibility with other systems, please consult your sales representative


Folha de estilo para especificações de tabela de produtos
Sensor4,096 x 4,096, 14 μm pixel CMOS
Camera architecture

Fiber optic coupled scintillator (1:1) frame rate

Standard: 4k × 4k, 2 fps; 2k × 2k, 8 fps; 1k × 1k, 18 fps

Noise reduction: 4k × 4k, 2 fps; 2k × 2k, 6 fps; 1k × 1k, 6 fps

Imaging performanceIn 4k × 4k mode: DQE at 0.1 Nyquist: > 26% at 300 kV, > 40% at 200 kV
Duty cycle in movie mode100% in rolling shutter mode
Conversion efficiency

>26 counts/primary electron at 200 kV

>22 counts/primary electron at 300 kV

Mounting position

On-axis, bottom mounted, retractable

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Pesquisa de doenças infecciosas

As técnicas da crio-EM (microscopia crioeletrônica) permitem observações em várias escalas de estruturas biológicas 3D em seus estados quase nativos, informando um desenvolvimento mais rápido e eficiente da terapêutica.


Descoberta de Fármacos

Saiba como aproveitar o desenho racional de medicamentos para muitas outras classes principais de alvos de medicamentos, levando aos melhores medicamentos da categoria.

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A microED é uma nova técnica fascinante com aplicações na determinação estrutural de pequenas moléculas e proteínas. Com esse método, é possível extrair detalhes atômicos de nanocristais individuais (tamanho < 200 nm), mesmo em uma mistura heterogênea.

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A microED é uma nova técnica fascinante com aplicações na determinação estrutural de pequenas moléculas e proteínas. Com esse método, é possível extrair detalhes atômicos de nanocristais individuais (tamanho < 200 nm), mesmo em uma mistura heterogênea.

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