Key benefits of upgrading Thermo Scientific Nexsa and Nexsa G2 X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrometers

Enhance your productivity and expand your range of applications with regular upgrades for your Thermo Scientific X-ray photoelectron spectrometer. Keeping your instrument up to date helps ensure that it can serve your changing needs for years to come, delivering faster performance, improved cybersecurity, and more.



Avantage Data System

Upgrade to the latest version of the Avantage Data System, an enhancement of the Thermo Fisher Learning Center with usable reference spectra. This update includes new data processing features, improved data display, and an interactive version of Avantage Knowledge View to assist with data interpretation.


Extra analytical methods

Add additional analytical techniques that complement XPS to your instrument ISS, UPS, Raman spectroscopy, and REELS can help you learn more about your materials and gain a more comprehensive understanding of the surface.


CISA Workflow

 Use the CISA workflow to combine the powers of XPS and electron microscopy for a more comprehensive understanding of your samples


Upgrade to MAGCIS

The standard monatomic ion source can be upgraded to the Monatomic and Gas Cluster Ion Source (MAGCIS). Visit our Learning Center to read more about the benefits of having both monatomic ions and gas cluster ions.

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