Asbestos analysis software

Thermo Scientific Phenom AsbestoMetric Software is a dedicated automation software package specifically developed to facilitate fast and accurate asbestos analysis.

The analysis of asbestos fibers, specified in the ISO 14966 norm, is a lengthy and elaborate process consisting of many repetitive steps. Notably, during manual evaluation, fibers need to be detected visually by the operators, which could result in inaccuracies in the analysis. AsbestoMetric Software allows you to automatically analyze up to nine filters and detect candidate fibers; only the final verification of the fiber's nature is left to the analyst using the built-in energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) detector. 

Phenom Asbestometric Software features


Automated image acquisition and fiber detection.

Higher accuracy

Higher accuracy and repeatability.

ISO standard

AsbestoMetric Software is fully compliant to the ISO 14966 standard.


Folha de estilo para especificações de tabela de produtos

Phenom XL Desktop SEM equipped with BSD, SED and EDS detector

Phenom ProSuite including mini PC and monitor

  • AsbestoMetric Software
  • EID

Standard sample holder 

  • including 9x25 filter insert

Automated tool

  • Image acquisition
  • Fiber detection
  • Reporting

Assisted EDS analysis with fiber revisiting

Note: AsbestoMetric Software is available for the 19" Phenom User Interface only; please contact us for details.

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