Service and support options for semiconductor manufacturing equipment from Thermo Fisher Scientific

We understand that the success of your business depends on the maximized uptime and optimized performance of your systems. Our services include offerings which provide on-site response and targeted uptime to maximize your productivity and support faster time to results. Our technology-driven, expert care will help you:

  • Increase system productivity
  • Avoid unplanned downtime
  • Upskill and empower users
  • Improve fleet performance

Our classic Perform services keep your system in peak condition with market-leading response times, expert telephone support and RAPID remote diagnostics, and regular preventive maintenance.

Our Accelerate and Advance portfolios transform service with a data-driven approach that allows you to proactively plan service activities and align your fleet for optimal operations. The Connected Care Portal will keep data at your fingertips so you can monitor system utilization and trends.

Semiconductor helios

Service options for Semiconductor

Service OfferingWarrantyPerform ContractsAccelerate and Advance Contracts
Remote Support
Preventive and Corrective Maintenance
Software Updates
Spare Parts
RAPID Support
After Hours On-Site Service 
Regular Account Reviews 
Uptime Guarantee 
On-Site Response Time48 hrs4–72 Hrs4–48 Hrs
Connected Care Portal  
System Remote Monitoring  
Fleet Compare  
Smart PM  
Consumable Monitoring  

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Connected Care services for Semiconductor

Blending the best of digital and hands-on care.

To best support your success now and into the future, we are integrating digital and connected elements into our service packages to facilitate proactive service and deliver enhanced visibility into system health and productivity.

You need a comprehensive solution that can support and upskill your team while also increasing system productivity and avoiding unplanned downtime. Underpinning all of this is the need for data, which facilitates visibility into the effectiveness of your process and your fleet.

Our Accelerate and Advance support offerings, within Connected Care services, offer a variety of service features targeted to your unique needs during the warranty period and beyond. Our next-level services combine the very best of technology-driven support and hands-on care.

Accelerate and Advance for Semiconductor Manufacturing

Accelerate and Advance for Semiconductor Manufacturing

  • Access to system data for increased productivity
  • Proactive service monitoring for increased uptime
  • Fleet compare tools for increased efficiency
Site Preparation Service

Site Preparation Service

  • Recommendations and advice from our experts
  • Troubleshooting and support for existing or new facilities
  • Supplemental site measurements
  • Site preparation CAD drawing

Classic service for Semiconductor and Electronics

Our Perform offerings support your system from every angle—boosting performance, minimizing downtime, and improving business outcomes.

  • Gain access to technical support and factory expertise with telephone support and RAPID remote diagnostics
  • Get Thermo Scientific quality parts expedited on-site from strategic global inventories
  • Ensure a rapid response with market-leading response times
  • Experience optimum system function with regular preventive maintenance


Semiconductor Service and Support

Semiconductor Service and Support

  • Industry-leading on-site response to avoid downtime
  • Service packages to meet all budgets and requirements
  • Comprehensive service, including preventive and corrective maintenance and certified spare parts


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