
GlobalFiler STR kits offer superior discriminatory power for international data sharing

Around the world, forensic DNA labs are being asked to do more with less. This is why the Applied Biosystems GlobalFiler IQC, GlobalFiler, and GlobalFiler Express PCR amplification kits combine reduced amplification time with exceptional discrimination power, even on the most challenging sample types.

As global forensic DNA databases rapidly expand, so does the need for more discriminating STR multiplexes that can maximize loci overlap. That’s why GlobalFiler kits incorporate the most commonly used loci—all in a single multiplex, 6-dye configuration kit. GlobalFiler kits contain all markers recommended for inclusion by the CODIS Core Loci Working Group and those markers commonly used in Europe. The multiplex selection of markers reduces the risk of adventitious matches while enabling more effective cross-border data sharing. And the kits are backed by training, service, and support from Thermo Fisher Scientific.

Key benefits

The GlobalFiler kit is also available with an Internal Quality Control system, or IQC, as part of a fully integrated and validated forensic workflow. The IQC system consists of two synthetic sequences with specific primers for each of the targets (IQCS and IQCL) and provides positive confirmation of sample amplification, but also indicates adverse conditions with compromised amplification, such as the presence of PCR inhibitors. The IQC system provides additional confidence in genotyping results and can help forensic scientists distinguish, for example, between inhibited and degraded DNA samples.


GlobalFiler kits are manufactured at our location in Warrington, UK, at a facility that meets the guidelines for ISO 18385 certification. We have made significant investments across all aspects of production to minimize human DNA contamination. The result: powerful forensic DNA-grade solutions that enable you to provide answers with certainty and confidence.


Turn samples into answers in less than 2 hours

This breakthrough chemistry enables up to 5 times faster amplification time than previous-generation kits:

  • GlobalFiler Express Kit for single source samples: ~40 minute amplification
  • GlobalFiler Kit for casework samples: ~80 minute amplification

Typical workflow for up to 48 samples using Applied Biosystems direct PCR amplification kits, genetic analyzers and expert system analysis software.

Up to 9 orders of magnitude more discrimination power

  • 24 loci multiplex enables up to 9 orders of magnitude more discrimination power than previous-generation kits
  • Includes 10 powerful mini-STR loci for increased information recovery from heavily degraded samples
  • Enhanced buffer system enables superior performance on inhibited samples
  • Improved sensitivity and flexibility to add up to 15 μL of sample input volume enables increased allele recovery from low level samples

The GlobalFiler Kit multiplex configuration includes all 24 loci with only 1 locus partially exceeding 400 base pairs. 10 mini-STR loci lie completely below 220 base pairs for enhanced performance on degraded samples, and all gender-specific markers are located in the green VIC channel for convenience of interpretation. The IQCS and IQCL markers are only present in GlobalFiler IQC kit.


The GlobalFiler Kit allelic ladder includes 343 alleles featuring expanded marker ranges for many loci while maintaining interlocus spacing. The expanded panel and virtual bins (589 total alleles) minimize OL allele calls and facilitate more accurate and efficient automated genotyping.

As global forensic DNA databases rapidly expand, so does the need for more discriminating STR multiplexes that can maximize loci overlap. That’s why GlobalFiler kits incorporate as many commonly used loci as possible—all in a single multiplex.

  • GlobalFiler kits contain all markers recommended for inclusion by the CODIS Core Loci Working Group, including all markers commonly used in Europe
  • Reduces the risk of adventitious matches while enabling more effective cross-border data sharing
  • The GlobalFiler and GlobalFiler Express kits are  approved by the FBI’s National DNA Index System (NDIS) Board for use by laboratories generating offender DNA profiles for inclusion in the U.S. National NDIS database

“Improving quality control processes and performance checks is a continuous challenge in forensics, more particularly for rapid, high-throughput, and reliable generation of DNA profiles from casework samples. The Internal Quality Control (IQC) system combined into GlobalFiler kits generates a powerful and controlled STR multiplex PCR assay for better and faster decision making and data interpretation.”

Dr Sylvain Hubac
Research and innovation manager
High throughput DNA unit for casework samples
Forensic Science laboratory of the French Gendarmerie, France


Pablo Martín, Lourdes Fernández de Simón, Gracia Luque, María José Farfán, Antonio Alonso

Published online: July 15, 2014
For Forensic or Paternity Use Only.

For the past 16 years, Thermo Fisher Scientific has led the way in the evolution of STR technology. And today, GlobalFiler kits utilize breakthrough 6-dye chemistry to enable optimal performance and unprecedented discrimination.

  • Minimizes the number of loci that are >400 bp, which decreases drop-outs with degraded and challenging samples
  • Increases the number of  miniSTRs—the GlobalFiler Kits include 10 STRs completely under 220 bp
  • Allows for better spacing between adjacent markers and expansion of  marker ranges to minimize off-ladder allele calls

Using a 6-dye configuration enables optimal performance, efficiency, data recovery and genotyping accuracy.

Key features of the GlobalFiler kits

 GlobalFiler kitGlobalFiler IQC kitGlobalFiler Express kit
High discrimination power24-marker multiplex assay including 3 gender markers and the highly discriminatory SE33 locus
Number of dyes6
Mini-STR (<220 bp)10
Gender markersY-indel, amelogenin, and DYS391
IQC markersNoYes: for distinguishing inhibited and degraded sample; positive control for PCR amplificationNo
Identical primer sequences✓ (except for the IQC)
Probability of identity (PI) valueAfrican American: 6.8 x 10-27
US Caucasian: 3.71 x 10-26
US Hispanic: 3.09 x 10-26
Asian: 3.24 x 10-24
Required ESS markers
Required CODIS markers
NDIS* approvedIn progress
DNAinput15 μL/1 ng targetTreated or untrested paper: 1.2 punch Swab: 3 μL (of 400 L)
Applied Biosystem Prep-n-Go Buffer
Final PCR volume25 μL15 μL
Technical note supporting
direct amplification
Supported sample typesOptimized chemistry for challenging samples types: touched, inhibited, or degraded samplesVerified with multiple sample collection devices such as treated paper, untreated paper, and swabs; designed to work with the most commonly used substrates

Around the world, forensic labs are being asked to do more with less. That’s why GlobalFiler® STR Kits combine reduced amplification time with maximum data recovery power. As part of the only fully integrated and validated forensic workflow, this breakthrough 6-dye, 24-locus technology is designed to deliver unprecedented lab performance. And it’s backed by best-in-class Life Technologies™ training, service, and support.

Both the GlobalFiler® and GlobalFiler® Express kits are approved for use by laboratories generating DNA profiles for inclusion in the US National DNA Index System (NDIS) CODIS database.

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