GC-MS Resources

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Application note

Find out how Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC-MS platforms combine high resolution GC with Orbitrap-enabled HRAM.


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Application Note

Metabolomics Strategies using GC–MS/MS Technology

Application NoteConsolidated GC-MS/MS Analysis of OCPs, PAHs, and PCBs in Environmental SamplesSingle Reaction Monitoring; Pesticides
Application NoteThe Optimized Analysis of the U.S. EPA Method 8270D for Semivolatiles (SVOC) by GC-MSMS analysis
Application NoteApplication of GC Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry for Untargeted Metabolomics of Pathogenic MicroorganismsGC-MS
Application NoteLow Level Quantification of NDMA and Non-targeted Contaminants Screening in Drinking Water using GC Orbitrap Mass SpectrometryPollutants
Application NoteDetermination of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Fish Tissues by Accelerated Solvent Extraction and GC-MS/MSPollutants
Application NoteRound-the-clock, Online and Cryogen-free Monitoring of VOC Hydrocarbons in Ambient Air using GC-MSPollutants
Application NoteMulti-residue Analysis of Pesticides in Green Tea with Headspace SPME and the TSQ Quantum XLS GC-MS/MSPesticides
Application NoteGC-MS/MS Analysis of the Receptor-Sensitizing Natural Active Spice Ingredients Capsaicin, Piperine, and ThymolFood analysis
Application NoteMulti-Residue Pesticide Analysis in Herbal Products Using Accelerated Solvent Extraction with a Triple Quadrupole GC-MS/MS SystemPesticides
Application NoteUS EPA Method 527 — Determination of Pesticides and Flame Retardants in Drinking WaterPesticides
Application NoteAnalysis of Alkylphenols Using GC-MS/MS and Automated SRM DevelopmentMS analysis
Application Note Increasing Productivity in FAMEs Analysis through Increased SelectivityMS analysis
PosterMulti-Residue Pesticide Analysis in Herbal Products Using Accelerated Solvent Extraction with a Triple Quadrupole GC-MS/MS SystemPesticides
PosterAnalysis of Multi-Residue Pesticides Present in Ayurvedic Churna by GC-MS/MSGC-MS
WebinarData analysis
WebinarHigh Precision Pesticide Analysis in Produce using GC Triple Quadrupole and U-SRM ModePesticides; food safety
WorkflowsMetabolomics Strategies Using GC-MS/MS TechnologyMetabolomics

Fast and Sensitive GC-MS/MS Analysis of Trace Chemicals


Three-Fold Increase in Productivity for Pesticide Residue Analysis in Baby Food Using Fast Triple Quadrupole GC-MS/MS

Food safety; pesticides