Targeted metabolomics profiling and quantitation solutions

Targeted profiling and quantitation solutions

Identified biomarkers from either untargeted metabolomics experiments, or hypothesis-driven from the literature, can be verified or validated where usually a limited number of compounds are quantified in a large set of samples.

For highest selectivity and confirmation, HRAM Orbitrap mass spectrometry is the technology of choice for verification of putative biomarkers. Moving through to high-throughput quantitation, SRM analysis on the TSQ triple quadrupole mass spectrometers is the solution of choice.

Popular metabolomics products

Standardized and quantitative HRAM LC-MS metabolomics workflow

Targeted metabolomics offers researchers the possibility to quantify selected metabolites. The AbsoluteIDQ® p400 HR Kit is the first standardized solution for broad metabolic and lipid profiling developed for Thermo Scientific high-resolution, accurate mass (HRAM) Orbitrap MS. It covers hundreds of metabolites while providing quantification, reproducibility, and high throughput. The kit offers the opportunity to analyze various biological matrices from multiple species.

Sample preparation

Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ p400 HR Kit

Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ p400 HR Kit

  • Ready-to-use kit developed for Q Exactive Focus LC-MS, Q Exactive LC-MS, Q Exactive Plus and Q Exactive HF LC-MS
  • Delivering a standardized, quality-controlled and reproducible quantitative assay
  • Provides excellent inter-laboratory reproducibility
  • Allows quantitation of key metabolites relevant to pathophysiological processes and disease specific markers

First steps

Samples are registered in the MetIDQ™ software (integral part of the kit). The test mix is run to ensure suitable system conditions.


Samples and reagents are pipetted onto the kit plate


Amino acids and biogenic amines are derivatized to help ensure a reliable analysis.


Metabolites are extracted with organic buffer and diluted in two steps for subsequent mass spectrometric analysis.

LC-MS and FIA-MS Analysis

Quantitative data for biological significance

Obtain valuable quantitative insights from small- to large-scale studies across a variety of applications from untargeted, semi-targeted to targeted metabolomics studies. With optimized methods, the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris 240 mass spectrometer delivers a fast turnaround of sample to results with operational simplicity. Best-in-class performance together with Thermo Scientific AcquireX intelligent data acquisition delivers a fast track to confident results, all within a compact footprint, so you can go beyond with everyday versatility.

Data analysis

Biocrates MetIDQ™ Software

Biocrates MetIDQ™ Software

MetIDQ™ highly automates the whole FIA-MS and LC-MS process from project and sample administration to plate layout and work list generation, technical validation and statistical analysis to standardize metabolomics project data processing. MetIDQ is an integral part of all AbsoluteIDQ® Kits.

  • Import LC-MS results files from Thermo Scientific Xcalibur software
  • Direct and improved export to SPSS, XLSX, CSV, and XML
  • Improved project and export format (DMP) for large projects

Sample preparation

Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ p400 HR Kit

Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ p400 HR Kit

  • Ready-to-use kit developed for Q Exactive Focus LC-MS, Q Exactive LC-MS, Q Exactive Plus and Q Exactive HF LC-MS
  • Delivering a standardized, quality-controlled and reproducible quantitative assay
  • Provides excellent inter-laboratory reproducibility
  • Allows quantitation of key metabolites relevant to pathophysiological processes and disease specific markers

First steps

Samples are registered in the MetIDQ™ software (integral part of the kit). The test mix is run to ensure suitable system conditions.


Samples and reagents are pipetted onto the kit plate


Amino acids and biogenic amines are derivatized to help ensure a reliable analysis.


Metabolites are extracted with organic buffer and diluted in two steps for subsequent mass spectrometric analysis.

LC-MS and FIA-MS Analysis

Quantitative data for biological significance

Obtain valuable quantitative insights from small- to large-scale studies across a variety of applications from untargeted, semi-targeted to targeted metabolomics studies. With optimized methods, the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris 240 mass spectrometer delivers a fast turnaround of sample to results with operational simplicity. Best-in-class performance together with Thermo Scientific AcquireX intelligent data acquisition delivers a fast track to confident results, all within a compact footprint, so you can go beyond with everyday versatility.

Data analysis

Biocrates MetIDQ™ Software

Biocrates MetIDQ™ Software

MetIDQ™ highly automates the whole FIA-MS and LC-MS process from project and sample administration to plate layout and work list generation, technical validation and statistical analysis to standardize metabolomics project data processing. MetIDQ is an integral part of all AbsoluteIDQ® Kits.

  • Import LC-MS results files from Thermo Scientific Xcalibur software
  • Direct and improved export to SPSS, XLSX, CSV, and XML
  • Improved project and export format (DMP) for large projects

Featured webinar

Standardized Targeted Metabolic Profiling Assay using the Q Exactive and the AbsoluteIDQ kit designed for HRAM MS.