It is critical to know your options for flow cytometry instrumentation and to understand how your instrument works. This section provides educational resources about these instruments including guided learning on the basics of your flow cytometer, a guide on how to evaluate an instrument when considering a new purchase, as well as videos, application notes, webinars and more.

Flow cytometry instrumentation features

Guided learning

schematic of the different components of a flow cytometer

Fundamentals of Flow Cytometry-How a flow cytometer works in Molecular Probes School of Fluorescence

This guided learning module covers an introduction to flow cytometer and goes over the basics of the flow cytometer and how it works.

Evaluation guide

Evaluation guide cover image

Flow cytometer evaluation guide

The evaluation guide for flow cytometers will help you compare various flow cytometers and learn about what to consider specifically to fulfill your applications needs, sample types and volumes, cells of interest, and research goals.

Learning resources

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Application note (2019)Development of in vitro immune effector function assays to better approximate the in vivo behavior of biotherapeutics and cell therapies Attune NxT, flow cytometer, CellInsight CX7, CellTrace dyes, cell therapies, DynaBeads, cytotoxicity
Application note (2019)Functional Flow Cytometry to predict PD-L1 Conformational Change and Improve Cancer Immunotherapy Attune NxT, flow cytometer, programmed death ligand, PD-L1, cancer immunotherapy
Application note (2018)Using the Attune NxT Flow Cytometer for rapid and accurate analysis of nuclear DNA content in plants Attune NxT Flow Cytometer, plants
Application note (2018)High-throughput automation with the Attune NxT Autosampler: consistent results across all wells and across plates Attune NxT Flow Cytometer, Autosampler 
Application note (2018)A guide to analyze Attune NxT FCS data files in FCS Express 6 Software Attune NxT Flow Cytometer, Attune NxT software, flow cytometry 
Application note (2017)Recommendations for accurate concentration measurements on the Attune NxT Flow CytometerAttune NxT Flow Cytometer, flow cytometry, cell concentration, cell counting
Application note (2017)Flow cytometry analysis of transcription factor expression during differentiation of hPSC-derived cardiomyocytesAttune NxT Flow Cytometer, cell differentiation, flow cytometry, multicolor flow cytometry, stem cell research
Application note (2017)Validated 10-color T cell panel using the Attune NxT Flow Cytometerantibodies, Attune NxT Flow Cytometer, flow cytometry, immunology, immunophenotyping, fluorescent dyes, multicolor flow cytometry
Application note (2017)Flow cytometry analysis of dose response for apoptosis induction apoptosis, Attune NxT, Autosampler, flow cytometry, cell toxicity, CellEvent Caspase-3/7 Green 
Application note (2017)Detection of platelets in whole blood using the Attune NxT Flow Cytometer Attune NxT, flow cytometer, platelets, immunophenotyping, no-wash, no-lyse
Application note (2015)Attune NxT Flow Cytometer for 6-color immunophenotyping analysis of stained human whole blood using a no-lyse, no-wash protocol, with no compensationAttune NxT, flow cytometer, immunophenotyping, multicolor flow cytometry
Application note (2015)Detection of murine regulatory T cells on the Attune NxT Flow CytometerAttune NxT, flow cytometer, immunophenotyping, multicolor flow cytometry
Application note (2015)Multiparameter analysis of murine regulatory T cells and dendritic cells with the Attune NxT Flow CytometerAttune NxT, flow cytometer, immunophenotyping, multicolor flow cytometry
Application note (2015)Ten-parameter immunophenotyping of human lysed whole blood with the Attune NxT Flow Cytometer allows identification of multiple T cell subsets and myeloid cellsAttune NxT, flow cytometer, immunophenotyping, multicolor flow cytometry
Application note (2015)13-parameter immunophenotyping of human lysed whole blood with the Attune NxT Flow Cytometer allows for the identification of B cells, NK cells, multiple T cell subsets and myeloid cells Alexa Fluor, antibodies, Attune NxT, compensation, flow cytometer, fluorescent dyes, immunophenotyping, multicolor flow cytometry, nanocrystals, Qdot
Application note (2015)Live/dead algal analysis with the Attune NxT Flow Cytometer algae, Attune NxT, flow cytometer, flow cytometry assays, fluorescent dyes, microbiology, viability
Application note (2015)No-wash, no-lyse detection of phagocytic cells via a pHrodo BioParticles functional assay in human whole blood on the Attune NxT Flow Cytometer antibodies, Attune NxT, flow cytometer, flow cytometry sample preparation, fluorescent dyes, immunology, immunophenotyping, particles, pH detection
BioProbes article (2017)Powering up drug discovery—Cancer biology applications using the Attune NxT Flow Cytometerapoptosis, Attune NxT, cancer, flow cytometer, fluorescence, multicolor flow cytometry, viability
BioProbes article (2016)High-speed cell counting with the Attune NxT Flow Cytometer—Accurately measure cell concentrations by flow cytometryAttune NxT, bacteria, cell concentration, cell counting, flow cytometer, immunophenotyping, microbiology, viability
BioProbes article (2016)Transcription factor expression during differentiation of hPSC-derived cardiomyocytes—A multiparametric approach using the Attune NxT Flow CytometerAttune NxT, flow cytometer, fluorescence, large cell analysis, rare event detection, stem cell research
BioProbes article (2015)Journal Club—Multiparameter detection of early apoptosis markers without compensationapoptosis, Attune NxT, cell structure-mitochondria, flow cytometry compensation, fluorescence, immunophenotyping
BioProbes article (2015)Multiparameter detection of fluorescent protein expression with the Attune NxT Flow CytometerAttune NxT, flow cytometer, flow cytometry assays, fluorescence, fluorescent proteins, multicolor flow cytometry
BioProbes article (2015)No-compensation immunophenotyping using a four-laser flow cytometerAttune NxT, flow cytometer, fluorescence, immunophenotyping, multicolor flow cytometry
BioProbes article (2015)No-wash, no-lyse assays for the Attune NxT Flow CytometerAttune NxT, endocytosis, flow cytometer, flow cytometry assays, fluorescence, immunophenotyping, multicolor flow cytometry, phagocytosis
BioProbes article (2015)The next generation in flow cytometry—The Attune NxT Flow Cytometerantibodies, Attune NxT, flow cytometer, fluorescence
BioProbes article (2015)Tools and strategies for rare-event detection using flow cytometryAttune NxT, flow cytometer, fluorescence, rare cell detection, rare event detection
BioProbes article (2014)The next generation in acoustic focusing cytometry is here—The Attune NxT Acoustic Focusing CytometerAttune NxT, flow cytometer
BioProbes article (2010)Advanced cell proliferation analysisAttune NxT cell proliferation, cell tracking, flow cytometry, fluorescence
Blog postClog resistance of non-pressure based flow cytometersAttune NxT, flow cytometer
Blog postWhat are event rates and should you always trust the “Maximum Event Rate” of your flow cytometer?Attune NxT, flow cytometer, instrument set-up
Blog postFlow cytometer fluidics and why they are not all the sameAttune NxT, flow cytometer, instrument set-up
Guided learningMolecular Probes School of Fluorescence—Flow Cytometry Basicsflow cytometry, flow cytometer, fluidics, optics, electronics, flow cytometry basics
Guided learningFundamentals of Flow Cytometry-How a flow cytometer works in Molecular Probes School of Fluorescenceflow cytometer
Guided learningFundamentals of Flow Cytometry-Fluidics of a flow cytometer in Molecular Probes School of Fluorescenceflow cytometer
Guided learningFundamentals of Flow Cytometry-Optics of a flow cytometer in Molecular Probes School of Fluorescence flow cytometer
Guided learningFundamentals of Flow Cytometry-Electronics of a flow cytometer in Molecular Probes School of Fluorescenceflow cytometer
Molecular Probes HandbookFlow cytometry reference standards—Section 23.2flow cytometer
Scientific Poster (2022)A rapid method for assessing the accumulation of nanoplastics in human peripheral blood Flow cytometry
Scientific Poster (2022)PD-L1 expression in NSCLC MDSCs and its potential use as a biomarker to determine treatment response through dimensionality reduction of flow cytometric data Flow cytometry
Scientific poster (2018)Induced pluripotent stem cell sorting, culture and differentiation to desired cell lineage Attune NxT, cell counting, cell sorting, Countess, EVOS, fluorescence activated cell sorting, iSort Automated Cell Sorter, imaging microscopy, stem cell research
Scientific poster (2018)Evaluation of multiple techniques for PMT optimization Attune NxT Flow Cytometer, flow cytometer calibration, photomultiplier settings
Scientific poster (2018)Synergistic effect of curcumin in combination with proapoptotic drugs in human cell models for chronic (CLL) lymphocytic leukaemia Attune NxT Flow Cytometer, cell cycle, cancer, drug development, drug research, flow cytometry
Scientific poster (2018)Differently cell doublet profiles: comparison of light scattering with fluorescence measurement techniques Attune NxT Flow Cytometer, cell counting, cell cycle, cell viability, flow cytometry, single cell discrimination
Scientific poster (2018)Maintaining even temperature distribution over chilled samples in 96-well plates and micro-centrifuge tubes academic research solutions, microplates, quality control, temperature control
Scientific Poster (2017)T-lymphocyte immunophenotyping: 14-color flow cytometry panel design using the Attune NxT Flow Cytometer and Super Bright fluorescent dyes antibodies, Attune NxT, fluorescent dyes, immunophenotyping, multicolor flow cytometry, particles, Super Bright
Scientific Poster (2016)An objective test to qualify plate samplers for complex flow cytometric assays Attune NxT, Autosampler, flow cytometer
Scientific Poster (2016)Cell mediated cytotoxicity in “untouched” whole blood Attune NxT, cell concentration, cell cycle, flow cytometry assays, viability, whole blood
Scientific Poster (2016)No-lyse no-wash new strategy for CD34+ for absolute cell counting without beads antibodies, Attune NxT, cell counting, compensation, flow cytometry assays , fluorescent dyes
Scientific Poster (2015)A no lyse, no-wash approach to characterizing phagocyte phenotype and function in whole human blood on the Attune NxT Flow Cytometer Attune NxT, cell cycle, flow cytometer, flow cytometry assays, immunophenotyping, no lyse, phagocytosis, whole blood
Scientific poster (2014)Flow cytometry multiplexing used to analyze metabolic activity and assess pharmaceutical compound toxicity as a high-throughput screening toolAttune NxT, drug discovery, flow cytometer, flow cytometry assay
Scientific poster (2011)Rare event analysis: Detection of mouse plasmacytoid dendritic cells and human circulating endothelial cells Alexa Fluor, endothelial cells, flow cytometry, fluorescent dyes, rare event detection
CYToMORE lecture video (2016)...and on the 8th day, God created cytometry 
Presented by J. Paul Robinson, Purdue University, USA
flow cytometers, flow cytometry, history, technology developments
CYToMORE lecture video (2016)High throughput and high content flow cytometry 
Presented by J. Paul Robinson, Purdue University, USA
Attune NxT, flow cytometer, high content flow cytometry, high throughput screening
CYToMORE lecture video (2016)Mass cytometry in the phenomics era: an essential tool for gene/function studies 
Presented by Herve Luche, Centre d’Immunophénomique - CIPHE, France
mass cytometry, immunology, immunophenotyping
CYToMORE lecture video (2016)Rare cells analysis: from bench to clinics 
Presented by Andrea Cossarizza, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
Attune NxT, flow cytometer, rare cell detection, rare event detection
CYToMORE lecture video (2016)Software tutorial: what’s new 
Presented by Carmen Gondhalekar, Purdue University, USA
Attune NxT, flow cytometer, software
CYToMORE lecture video (2016)Tuning acoustic forces for flow cytometry 
Presented by Jolene Bradford, Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA
Attune NxT, flow cytometer
WebinarHow recent technological advances in flow cytometry instrumentation are enabling faster throughput 
This webinar presented by J. Paul Robinson at Purdue University, will focus on advances in the Invitrogen Attune NxT Flow Cytometer and outline where the technology within the Attune NxT instrument fits in current and future applications.
Attune NxT, cell cycle, multicolor flow cytometry
Tutorial videoMolecular Probes Tutorial Series—Analyzing Flow Cytometry Data flow cytometer calibration, flow cytometry
Tutorial videoMolecular Probes Tutorial Series—Anatomy of Fluorescence Spectra absorbance, emission, excitation, spectra
Tutorial videoMolecular Probes Tutorial Series—Introduction to Flow Cytometry flow cytometer calibration, multicolor flow cytometry
Tutorial videoMolecular Probes Tutorial Series—Introduction to Fluorescence flow cytometry, fluorescence imaging
Tutorial videoMolecular Probes Tutorial Series—Overview of Filters and Light Sources emission, excitation, filters, light cubes, light sources

Not for resale. Super Bright Polymer Dyes are sold under license from Becton, Dickinson and Company.