These library file updates are intended for use with the Tiling Analysis Software (TAS) Suite used to analyze the GeneChip™ Tiling Arrays. For more information on TAS or to obtain the most recent version of TAS, please refer to the Tiling Analysis Software support page.

At product introduction, tiling arrays are released with analysis information corresponding to the most current genome releases available. In an effort to continue supporting our customers, we frequently update the tiling analysis support files to reflect updated NCBI genome releases. Please review the currently available updates, organized by version of genome. If you have any questions please contact our technical support group.

GeneChip tiling arrays—data analysis file update

BPMAP (binary probe map) file contains the genomic probe position map. The BPMAP file maps the X/Y coordinate of a probe on a GeneChip array to a genomic position for an intended function. It designates a probe as either a perfect match (PM) or a mismatch (MM) probe. The mapping between probe and genomic position may change as the genome annotations are revised.

Probe BED (browser extensible data) files store the genomic location of each probe on their respective arrays or (for genome.probe.bed files) entire tiling array sets.

Annotation interval files give some supplementary annotations for human and mouse promoter arrays.

The BAR files (binary analysis results) and CHP files store the probe signal and the calculated p-values.

The BED file stores the start and stop positions of each computed interval. Visit the UCSC Genome Bioinformatics FAQ on data file formats ( for more information on the BED file format.

IMPORTANT: Due to the large file size the download may take an extended period of time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience. We continue to work towards improvements to shorten the download times.

NCBI version 36 updates

    This file contains the NCBIv36 BPMAP files. (New version Jan 21, 2008)
    Probe BED files - separate file for each array in the set. (New version Jan 21, 2008)
    Probe BED files - a single BED file for the entire set. (New version Jan 21, 2008)

NCBI version 35 updates

    Mouse Tiling 1.1R Array - This folder contains the BPMAP files as well as the probe display files.
    Mouse Tiling 2.0R Array - This folder contains the BPMAP files as well as the probe display files.
    Mouse Promoter 1.0R Array - This folder contains the BPMAP files as well as the probe display files.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.