Enjoy efficient online ordering of Invitrogen custom and pre-designed siRNA, miRNA, and Stealth RNAi reagents.

Order pre-designed siRNA

Search our portfolio of guaranteed, algorithm-designed siRNAs targeting human, mouse and rat.

  • Access hundreds of validated siRNA reagents for 100% guaranteed silencing
  • Choose from three product lines to find the best siRNA for your project

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Order pre-designed miRNA mimics and inhibitors

Optimize your miRNA modulation experimental results with next-generation reagents for up- and down-regulation of microRNAs.

  • Select from up-to-date designs based on the current version of the miRBase database
  • Enjoy effective, specific miRNA inhibition or overexpression from mirVana reagents

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Order custom RNAi reagents

When our pre-designed siRNA and miRNA reagents do not suit your experimental needs, use our custom RNAi synthesis options to take your research to the next level.

  • Fulfill your custom designs for targeting unique gene regions or alternate species
  • Order large amounts with in vivo processing and HPLC purification for animal studies
  • Apply internal or terminal modifications on any RNA oligonucleotide
    • Common 5’ modifications: Alexa Fluor, Fluorescein, Cy-dyes, FAM
    • Common 3’ modifications: Biotin, Phosphate, TAMRA
    • Alternative bases: 2’-O-methyl, 2’-Fluoro, DNA/RNA hybrids

Follow these links for easy online ordering of custom RNA synthesis:

Request a quote

If you require custom RNA synthesis that is not supported by our online tools, please submit a quote request and a product expert will get in touch with you right away.