Bismuth • Other Metal

Primary XPS region: Bi4f
Overlapping regions: Si2s loss features
Binding energies of common chemical states:

Chemical stateBinding energy Bi4f7/2
Bi metal157 eV
Bi2O3159 eV


Experimental information



Interpretation of XPS spectra
  • Bi4f region has well-separated spin-orbit components (Δ=5.3eV).
    • Peaks in the Bi4f region have an asymmetric peak shape for bismuth metal.
    • Bismuth compounds, such as its oxide, have symmetric Bi4f peaks.


About this element
Element Crystal rhom

Symbol: Bi
Date of discovery: unknown
Name origin: German wissmuth
Appearance: white
Discoverer: unknown
Obtained from: bismuthine

Melting point: 271.3 K
Boiling point: 1560 K
Density[kg/m3]: 9.8
Molar volume: 21.31 × 10-6 m3/mol
Protons/Electrons: 83
Neutrons: 26
Shell structure: 2,8,18,32,18,5
Electron configuration: [Xe]4f145d106s26p3
Oxidation state: 3,5
Crystal structure: Rhombohedral

This brittle, pinkish metal gets its name from the German word wissmuth, meaning white mass. In early times, bismuth was often confused with tin or lead due to its resemblance to those elements. When bismuth is combusted with oxygen, it burns blue and its oxide forms yellow fumes. Bismuth is used in cosmetics. It is found in pharmaceuticals and is used to treat gastrointestinal diseases. Strong permanent magnets are produced using one of its alloys, and bismuth has been used as a dense material in fishing sinkers and as a replacement for lead in shot and bullets.



Nexsa XPS

  • Módulo de inclinação para medições ARXPS
  • Fonte de íons de modo duplo para recursos de perfil de profundidade expandida
  • Análise de isolantes
Folha de estilo para cartões de instrumentos original

K-Alpha XPS

  • Espectroscopia de área selecionável
  • Monocromador microfocalizado
  • Espectroscopia de estado químico de alta resolução


  • Espectroscopia de alta sensibilidade
  • XPS com raios X não monocromáticos
  • Analisador de energia hemisférica de 180 graus

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