image of the BioProbes 70 cover

Multiplex your cell proliferation assays with GFP, RFP, and R-PE probes—
Click-iT Plus EdU Proliferation Kits for imaging and flow cytometry

Cell proliferation assays provide a critical piece of the puzzle when evaluating cell health, genotoxicity, and the efficacy of anti-cancer drugs. When compared with antibody-based BrdU methods, the Click-iT Plus EdU cell proliferation assays not only offer better performance and an easier workflow but are now compatible with an even broader range of fluorescent probes—including GFP, RFP, and phycobiliproteins—allowing you to perform multiplex assays that provide a more informative picture of the state of the cell.

EVOS Light Cube and Fluorophore Selection Guide poster

EVOS Light Cube and fluorophore selection guide poster

EVOS Light Cubes integrate LEDs and high-performance filters in a novel illumination system that delivers precise control, minimal maintenance, and exceptional reliability. These LED cubes are compatible with the EVOS FL and FL Auto Imaging Systems, as well as the Countess II FL Automated Cell Counter. Use the selection guide on this poster to choose the light cube that best matches your dye.

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Cell health

Multiplex your cell proliferation assays with GFP, RFP, and R-PE probes
Click-iT Plus EdU Proliferation Kits for imaging and flow cytometry

Detect pH inside of a live cell
pHrodo pH sensors for detecting cytosolic and vesicle pH

Beyond light's limits: Fluorescence imaging at the nanoscale
Fluorescent probes for three super-resolution modalities—STORM, SIM, and STED microscopy

Evaluate neural stem cells for neurodegenerative disease models
Neural stem cell–specific protein expression and mitochondrial assessment

Superior live-cell tracing, generation after generation
The CellTrace Far Red Cell Proliferation Kit

Benchtop fluorescence instrumentation

The next generation in acoustic focusing cytometry is here
The Attune NxT Acoustic Focusing Cytometer

Image live cells through time and space
Optimizing conditions for time-lapse fluorescence microscopy

Introducing a three-channel cell counter for your benchtop
The new and improved Countess II FL Automated Cell Counter

Obtain the highest-quality data your system can deliver
Fluorescent microspheres for calibrating microscopes and flow cytometers

Protein and nucleic acid analyses

Measure multiple signaling proteins in a single microplate well
Multiplex immunoassay kits for the Luminex platform

Determine microRNA concentration in solution
Fluorescence-based small RNA quantitation for both conventional and high-throughput assays

Journal club

An in-depth look at fluorescent dyes for organelle labeling

Online and on the move

The basics of multicolor flow cytometry panel design

Expert opinion: The basics of multicolor flow cytometry panel design

With the proliferation of new fluorescent dyes, as well as instruments that can detect 18 or more parameters, multicolor flow cytometry has become more popular and more accessible than ever. When designing polychromatic flow cytometry panels, there are dozens of factors to consider. As the complexity of the experiment increases, so does the number of parameters that need to be analyzed and the technical issues that need to be addressed.

To help sort through the challenges of panel design, we reached out to an expert in flow cytometry: Holden Maecker, PhD. Dr. Maecker is the Director of the Human Immune Monitoring Center and also an Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology at Stanford University. In the “Basics of Multicolor Flow Cytometry Panel Design” webinar, Dr. Maecker covers the key rules for choosing fluorescent dye combinations and filter sets and illustrates these rules with plenty of examples and practical applications. He also discusses controls and standardization, which are absolutely critical in ensuring quality data from multicolor flow panels, as well as the relevance of panel design to new mass cytometry platforms.

Get the most out of your flow cytometry experiments with Molecular Probes webinars, protocols, and apps

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.