The 5500 W Series Genetic Analysis Systems - scalable and accurate next generation sequencing.

The 5500 W Series Genetic Analysis Systems support a wide range of applications on a per-lane basis with independently addressable and configurable lanes on either one or two FlowChips. The Exact Call Chemistry (ECC) module boosts the already industry leading accuracy of this ligation-based sequencing.

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5500 W Series Genetic Analyzer V1.0 Specifications

System and Features

5500 W System
(1 FlowChip)

5500xl W System
(2 FlowChips)

Pay-Per-Lane Sequencing

Reagent consumption engineered independently for each lane; users pay only for the consumables in the active lanes when performing a partial run.

Application-Per-Lane Sequencing

Independent FlowChip lanes allow users to configure read length of chemistry for each lane enabling multiple applications in a single run.


96 barcodes for both RNA and DNA applications.

Instrument Throughput1

1 x 50
1 x 75
2 x 50 MP

~ 80 Gb
~ 120 Gb
~ 160 Gb

~ 160 Gb
~ 240 Gb
~ 320 Gb


Up to 18

Up to 36


Up to 12

Up to 24

Small RNA/run4

Up to 144

Up to 288

Maximum Read Lengths5

1 x 75 Frag, 2 x 50 MP

  1. Instrument throughput is estimated using typical runs at a density of 700,000/panel, 65%-70% passing filter. Actual throughput will depend on the samples being run. Throughput uses the quality reads from the instrument that pass the primary analysis filter.
  2. ~50 Mb exome, >100x average coverage using fragment chemistry, 1 x 75 bp run.
  3. Transcriptome assumes > 100 million reads/sample using fragment chemistry, 1x 50 bp run.
  4. ~8 million reads/sample for each small-RNA sample and utilizing barcodes (48).
  5. New Wildfire paired-end (wPE) 50 bp x 50 bp early access to start by the end of 2012.

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5500 W Series Genetic Analysis System

5500 W Series Genetic Analysis System

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5500 W Series Genetic Analyzer V1.0 Specifications

System and Features

5500 W System
(1 FlowChip)

5500xl W System
(2 FlowChips)

Pay-Per-Lane Sequencing

Reagent consumption engineered independently for each lane; users pay only for the consumables in the active lanes when performing a partial run.

Application-Per-Lane Sequencing

Independent FlowChip lanes allow users to configure read length of chemistry for each lane enabling multiple applications in a single run.


96 barcodes for both RNA and DNA applications.

Instrument Throughput1

1 x 50
1 x 75
2 x 50 MP

~ 80 Gb
~ 120 Gb
~ 160 Gb

~ 160 Gb
~ 240 Gb
~ 320 Gb


Up to 18

Up to 36


Up to 12

Up to 24

Small RNA/run4

Up to 144

Up to 288

Maximum Read Lengths5

1 x 75 Frag, 2 x 50 MP

  1. Instrument throughput is estimated using typical runs at a density of 700,000/panel, 65%-70% passing filter. Actual throughput will depend on the samples being run. Throughput uses the quality reads from the instrument that pass the primary analysis filter.
  2. ~50 Mb exome, >100x average coverage using fragment chemistry, 1 x 75 bp run.
  3. Transcriptome assumes > 100 million reads/sample using fragment chemistry, 1x 50 bp run.
  4. ~8 million reads/sample for each small-RNA sample and utilizing barcodes (48).
  5. New Wildfire paired-end (wPE) 50 bp x 50 bp early access to start by the end of 2012.

Videos & Webinars

5500 W Series Genetic Analysis System

5500 W Series Genetic Analysis System

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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.