
Get our state-of-the-art sequencing technology

It has never been easier: save, optimise, modernise, innovate, and relax.

Now is the right time. Incredible price plus extra service plan.

The time has come. With the frenetic technological progress achieved during the last 15 years and thanks to our Applied Biosystems SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer, sequencing at your own bench is as easy as running a qPCR. Now you are in absolute control: your samples, your times, your hands, strangers handling your samples no more.

Trade in* your Applied Biosystems 310 or 3100 Series Genetic Analyzer for the new SeqStudio system and simplify your workflow at an incredible price plus extra service plan.

Easy as pie

A simple 4-capillary system with 6-months on-instrument stability that puts you in control of your samples, in your own time, in your own way. Our smart SeqStudio system fits in any bench and will provide you with the following advantages:

  • low cost
  • easy to use
  • absolute control of their samples
  • quick turnaround time
  • shift between CE and fragment analysis
  • accuracy
  • innovative technology including cloud and remote connectivity**
  • multiple users could use the same cartridge and vice versa

We take care of the technology; you can focus on your research

Now, we can give you the flexibility you need to upgrade your old instrument: it is not only about price. Peace of mind, for the life of your instrument with the confidence of knowing you always have a dedicated contact for help. We have three different offers for you, three packages to match your needs.

DescriptionPackageCat. No.
Option 1SeqXtra Basic incl. SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer with SmartStart,
Starter Kit and Sanger Sequencing Kit
+ A35000
+ A38073
Option 2SeqXtra Better incl. SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer with SmartStart,
Starter Kit and Sanger Sequencing Kit plus 1 year extended warranty
+ A35000
+ A38073
Option 3SeqXtra Best incl. SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer with SmartStart,
Starter Kit and Sanger Sequencing Kit plus 3 years extended warranty
+ A35000
+ A38073

Choose the full package with additional 3-years warranty and save*

**Internet connection and Thermo Fisher Connect account required.

No CAPEX? Limited budget?

We can help you to solve these problems with a set of different plans including finance, monthly payment, leasing, rental, and consumables subscription.

Check here

Anywhere, anytime access

Access your data with a compatible browser on any device, anytime. Runs can be set up using either the on board computer or by using Plate Manager, the stand-alone software that operates from Thermo Fisher Cloud, or on a separate computer (Figure 2). Each registered user has a PIN-protected account on Thermo Fisher Connect.


For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.