
Serum-free supplement specifically formulated for growth and expansion of human and rat neural stem cells (NSCs) and progenitor cells (PCs)

  • Supports superior expansion and retains multipotent differentiation potential of NSCs
  • Provides superior proliferation of PCs and retains their undifferentiated marker expression
  • Application can be extended to support differentiated neurons and serum-free differentiation of glial precursor cells (GPCs) into astrocytes

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StemPro Neural Supplement

  • Produced under cGMP
  • Better lot-to-lot consistency
  • Superior proliferation of GPCs with more than 50-fold increase in cell number
  • Available in kit form for NSC culture: StemPro NSC SFM, which contains StemPro Neural Supplement, KnockOut DMEM/F-12, bFGF, and EGF 

Supports superior expansion and retains multipotent differentiation potential of NSCs

  • Superior expansion of neural stem cells (NSCs) derived from either embryonic stem cells or from fetal tissue
  • Versatility to support long-term growth and expansion of both adherent and neurosphere suspension cultures
  • Maintain normal NSC multipotency and phenotype/karyotype
  • NSCs grown in StemPro NSC SFM maintain the potential to differentiate to physiologically active neurons and glial cells
  • Better batch-to-batch consistency, with each lot produced under cGMP and qualified using an hNSC performance assay
  • No or little adaptation required from serum-supplemented medium

Table 1. Components required for NSC culture

ProductStock concentrationFinal concentrationFor 100 mLFor 500 mL
StemPro Neural Supplement50x1x2 mL10 mL
KnockOut DMEM/F-121x1x97 mL485 mL
GlutaMAX-I Supplement100x1x1 mL5 mL
bFGF20 ug/mL20 ng/mL100 μL500 μL
EGF10 ug/mL10 ng/mL100 μL500 μL

Provides superior proliferation of PCs and retains their multipotent differentiation potential

StemPro Neural Supplement enables superior expansion of GPCs, resulting in a more than 50-fold increase in cell number (Figure 1). 

Figure 1.
GPCs were cultured in medium supplemented with StemPro Neural Supplement. Every 7 days, cells were harvested and replated for further proliferation and accumulated cell number was documented. After passage 3, accumulated cell number was more than 50-fold higher than starting cell numbers.

Compared to GPCs cultured in StemPro Neural Supplement (Figure 2A), GPCs cultured in ScienCell™ OPC medium (a competitor) do not passage further and lose their progenitor state to differentiate into astrocytes (Figure 2B).

Figure 2.  GPCs were cultured either in (A) Gibco medium with StemPro Neural Supplement or (B) ScienCell™ OPC medium.  During the 3 week culture period, cells cultured in (A) Gibco medium could be passaged 3 times resulting in 50-fold more cells while retaining their phenotype.  However, cells cultured in (B) ScienCell™ OPC medium (a competitor) did not increase in number but resulted in a loss of normal phenotype and differentiation to downstream lineages such as astrocytes (large cell body).

Table 2. Components required to culture GPCs

ProductStock concentrationFinal concentrationFor 100 mLFor 500 mL
StemPro Neural Supplement50x1x2x10 mL
KnockOut DMEM/F-121x1x97 mL485 mL
GlutaMAX-I Supplement100x1x1 mL5 mL
bFGF10 μg/mL10 ng/mL100 μL500 μL
PDGF-AA10 μg/mL10 ng/mL97 mL485 mL

Human GPCs cultured in StemPro Neural Supplement  retain their undifferentiated state as demonstrated by phenotypic marker expression of PDGFRa, Olig2 and N2 markers (Figure 3).

Figure 3.  Phenotype marker expression of the human GPCs cultured in medium supplemented with StemPro Neural Supplement. GPCs were labeled with GPC biomarkers such as PDGFRa, Olig2 and NG2. The data reveal the ability of StemPro Neural Supplement to support GPCs to retain their undifferentiated status.

GPCs grown in StemPro Neural Supplement retain their differentiation potential into oligodendrocytes and astrocytes (Figure 4).

Figure 4.  Human GPCs were proliferated in the medium supplemented with StemPro Neural Supplement then differentiated further to (A) oligodendrocytes and to (B) astrocytes. Oligodendrocytes were stained with biomarker of GalC (green) and astrocytes were stained with biomarker of GFAP (Red). All nuclei were labeled with DAPI.

1.  Is StemPro Neural Supplement serum free?

2.  What are the intended uses of StemPro Neural Supplement?
StemPro Neural Supplement is an optimized serum-free additive for the growth and expansion of neural stem and progenitor cells. For research use only.

3. Do I need to add other supplements?
Mixing of StemPro Neural Supplement with a basal medium such as Knockout DMEM/F-12 or Neurobasal medium and the addition of appropriate quantities of recommended growth factors yields a complete medium.

4.  What are the key applications of StemPro Neural Supplement?
StemPro Neural Supplement supports the growth and expansion of neural stem cells and progenitor cells. It also supports the survival of neurons and differentiation of progenitor cells to astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and Neurons. Besides its application can also be extended to transplantation studies and screening of drug candidates.

5.  What species can I use StemPro Neural Supplement to culture?
It can be used for human and rat NSCs, GPCs, and some neuronal progenitors.

  1. Brewer, G.J., Torricelli, J.R., Evege, E.K., and Price, P.J. (1993) J. Neuroscience Res. 35, 567.

  2. Mahendra S. Rao (2005) Neural Development and Stem Cells. Humana Press; 2nd edition.

  3. Laurie C. Doering (2009) Protocols for Neural Cell Culture. Humana Press; 4th edition