microscopic image of bacteria

Building on a broad portfolio of advanced fluorescence tools, we offer a number of reagents specifically for microbiology research. These dyes and kits are valuable tools for detecting and identifying microbes in the environment, indicating metabolic activity, and assisting with the determination of structural composition and integrity. Many of these products are adaptable for various analytical platforms, including flow cytometry, microplates, and fluorescence-based microscopy. 

See also Microbiology Assays for Flow Cytometry
Learn more about our FilmTracer Biofilm Stains and Kits

Analysis of bacteria

Kits with fluorescent probes optimized specifically for the study of bacteria.

Learn more about:


Analysis of yeast

Kits with fluorescent probes optimized specifically for the study of yeast.



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Cell analysis protocols

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.