Dual EGC Solution for Complex Carbohydrates

Simplify the complexity for carbohydrate analysis

Automatically generate eluent gradients to analyze from simple to complex carbohydrates by operating your Thermo Scientific Dionex ICS-6000 HPIC system in Dual Eluent Generation Cartridge (Dual EGC) mode. The EGC cartridges in series with each other to generate the extremely reproducible and accurate KOH/KMSA eluent gradient to resolve mono, di- and oligosaccharides, as well as sialic acids.

The Dual EGC mode is a powerful Thermo Scientific Dionex "Just Add Water" electrolytic eluent generation technology. Making manual eluent preparation unnecessary, electrolytic eluent generation is a key feature of our Reagent-Free Ion Chromatography (RFIC) systems equipped with Thermo Scientific Chromeleon CDS software.

The 1 mm format Thermo Scientific CarboPac columns for Dual EGC provide predictable, high-resolution separations of monosaccharides, disaccharides, sialic acids, and complex oligosaccharides.

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How to simplify carbohydrate analysis with Dual Eluent Generation and HPAE-PAD? Just add water and 1mm format CarboPac columns.

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Why use Dual EGC for carbohydrate analysis?

Dual EGC for carbohydrate analysis provides faster, easier start-up, cleaner eluents, less maintenance, and greater reproducibility.

Eliminates manual preparation of eluents
  • Automated electrolytic eluent generation, reagent-free
  • Eliminates variation inherent to manual eluent preparation, related to CO2
Improves IC reproducibility
  • High quality, accurate eluent concentrations every time
  • Consistent and reproducible retention time with baseline stability
Maximizes instrument uptime, minimizes maintenance
  • Pump only use deionized water therefore minimizes maintenance and downtime
  • Extends lifetime for pump seals and pistons as no acids or bases are in contact to precipitate
Offers eluent gradient capabilities
  • Only isocratic pump needed with RFIC to run gradient methods
  • Easy and flexible to modify the eluent concentration with Thermo Scientific Chromeleon Chromatography Data System (CDS)
Eliminates sodium acetate issues
  • "Just-add-water" to analyze complex carbohydrate without sodium hydroxide/sodium acetate gradients
  • Eliminates risk of contamination from lower quality sodium acetate

Ion chromatography system configuration in Dual EGC mode

Ion chromatography system configuration in Dual EGC mode

Dual EGC mode is available on the Dionex ICS-6000 HPIC system to support complex carbohydrate analysis. In Dual EGC mode, this RFIC-enabled system employs methanesulfonic acid (MSA) and potassium hydroxide (KOH) EGC cartridges, in series, to electrolytically generate potassium hydroxide/potassium methanesulfonate (KOH/KMSA) eluents. This operating mode is applicable to analytical (1.0mm) column formats.

For analytical (1mm format) operation — The Thermo Scientific Dionex EGC 400 (KOH and MSA) Eluent Generator Cartridges are designed to enable operation at flow rates between 20µL/min–200µL/min. The Dionex EGC 400 MSA cartridge is connected in series to a Dionex EGC 400 KOH cartridge to generate KOH/KMSA eluents up to a total concentration of 200mM at flow rates of 20–63µL/min, and up to 63mM at flow rates up to 200µL/min.

See the difference in your oligosaccharide results

Data comparison: manual eluent preparation vs. Dual EGC mode eluent preparation (1mm format)

Learn more

Analyzing Carbohydrates by HPAE-PAD

This informational web page:

  • Discusses how high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (HPAE-PAD) can simplify carbohydrate analysis
  • Provides links to major application notes for HPAE-PAD carbohydrate analysis