Quick pass/fail checks with GENESYS™ Smart QC software

Learn more about the efficiency and effectiveness of UV-Visible absorption spectroscopy for quality control and quality assurance.

Quality testing throughout the manufacturing process is vital, not only for ensuring batch-to-batch consistency but also for monitoring contaminants. Checks for appearance, content, or possible defects are commonplace, and a variety of analytical techniques are available.


UV-Visible spectroscopy is particularly well suited to quality assurance and quality control. Analysis is non-destructive, and a given sample can be retrieved post-analysis for further testing or downstream processing. GENESYS™ Smart QC software provides a simple way to pass judgement on a sample being tested by UV-Vis spectroscopy, delivering a straightforward functionality not available from any other manufacturer.


In this application note, review an example of the efficiency and effectiveness of UV-Visible absorption spectroscopy for solution-phase products and gain insight into potential uses for this technique.


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