Glow discharge mass spectrometers enable you to define new standards in the direct analysis of solid samples, providing you with the solution of choice for high throughput determination of trace elements in high purity conductive and semi-conductive materials.

Providing complete material characterization for high purity metals and alloys, semicon and battery applications, the Thermo Scientific Element GD Plus GD-MS system features a fast glow discharge ion source in a high-resolution mass spectrometer. The ideal tool for the direct analysis of high purity conductive and semi-conductive materials, the system can detect and routinely quantify almost all elements present in a solid sample at or below the ppb range.

Element GD-MS

Redefine the analysis of advanced high purity materials directly in solid state with the Thermo Scientific Element GD Plus GD-MS. For high through-put and extra low ppb level detection limits, the Element GD Plus GD-MS is the most convenient and powerful tool for bulk metal analysis and depth profiling in routine and research applications.

Visit product page  Download Element GD-MS brochure

Fast flow source

The fast flow source offers uniquely high sensitivity and low levels of interferences. Additionally, the fast flow source enables rapid pump down and sample acquisition times, dramatically improving sample through-put and lab productivity. 

High resolution

The simplicity of high-resolution ICP-MS allows the most advanced performance, without compromising on straightforward and reliable method development. The Element GD Plus GD-MS provides interference free measurements, resulting in simple linear calibration curves for quantification. Three fixed resolution settings (300, 4,000, 10,000), with switching times of <1 s, ensure optimum conditions to reliably remove spectral interferences. The fixed-slit design guarantees maximum stability and reproducibility.

Automatic detector switching

Typical applications involve the simultaneous analysis of matrix elements (%), traces (ppm) and ultra-traces (ppb). To achieve this, the detection system offers a fully automatic detector with >12 orders of linear dynamic range with automatic cross calibration between different detection modes. 

Low detection limits of atmospheric gases

The quantification of gas phase elements like trace carbon, nitrogen and oxygen within materials has traditionally been accomplished through combustion techniques, requiring a second analytical instrument. The CNO option of the Element GD Plus GD-MS cleans the argon discharge gas through purification units adsorbing moisture, carbon dioxide and nitrogen traces from the argon gas supplied. This allows sub-ppm limits of detection to be achieved for carbon, nitrogen and oxygen.

Sample loading on the Element GD Plus GD-MS

After finishing the sample run, it takes just one push to open the Glow Discharge source. No tools are required.


Defining quality with the Element GD Plus GD-MS

Watch the webinar to learn how the Element GD Plus GD-MS enables you to define new standards in the analysis of solid samples. The pulsed power supply from flow discharge sources give more efficient ionization at lower sputter rates.


Glow discharge ion source characteristics

  • Unique design providing highest accuracy and widely adjustable sputter rates suitable for bulk analysis and depth profiling
  • High sensitivity for short analysis times
  • Fast and simple sample to sample switching
  • Low level of polyatomic interfaces without the need for cryogenic cooling
  • Flexible cell for flat samples, pressed powders and pin samples
  • Plug-in cone and anode parts for quick exchange to avoid sample carry over
GD-MS Plus GD Mass Spectrometer Ion Source

Even the most sophisticated elemental analysis is made more straightforward with the right GD-MS accessories. Improve performance, convenience and flexibility with accessories designed specifically for your glow discharge mass spectrometer.

See GD-MS accessories and consumables ›

Reaching sub-ppm limits of detection for C, N and O

The CNO option cleans the argon discharge gas through purification units adsorbing moisture, carbon dioxide and nitrogen traces from the argon gas supplied, allowing sub-ppm limits of detection to be achieved for C, N, and O.

  Read technical note ›

Analysis of alumina powders

Learn about the capabilities of the Element GD Plus µs-Fast-Flow Glow Discharge Mass Spectrometer for high throughput trace metal determination in high purity alumina powders with minimum sample preparation.

  Read application note ›

Gallium analysis using µs-pulsed fast flow GD-MS

The Element GD Plus GD-MS features a fast flow glow discharge source that can be operated in continuous or pulsed mode. Samples with a lower melting point can be analyzed in pulsed mode to avoid melting.

  Read poster note ›

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