Analysis of global gene expression patterns provides valuable insight into the role of differential expression in normal biological and disease processes.

The expression profiles generated using a Life Technologies sequencing platforms are sensitive enough to detect low-abundance transcripts, making it possible to identify novel genes without prior sequence knowledge.








Semiconductor Sequencing - the Ion Torrent™ PGM ProtonGene Expression Sequencing Using the Ion PGM™ and Ion Proton™ Systems5500 Genetic Analyser SystemsNext-Gen Gene Expression Sequencing Using the 5500xl Genetic Analyzer3500 Genetic Analyzer SystemsGene Expression Using Capillary Electrophoresis Sequencing

A fast, affordable, easy-to-use research alternative to microarrays. The Ion PGM™ and Ion Proton™ systems put gene expression analysis within reach for any lab, enabling scientists to get more accurate and comprehensive data than microarrays can provide for a comparable price.  Learn more

High-throughput digital gene expression analysis with the ability to multiplex up to 96 samples in a single lane. Achieve highly accurate quantification of gene expression levels on a genome-wide scale using tag-based SAGE™ technology. Learn more.

Efficient analysis using gold standard sequencing with decades of proven performance. Learn more.

HiCep (High Coverage Gene Expression Profiling) - An amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP)-based method. Learn more.

Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE™) Sequencing - A library of short sequence tags, each of which is then used to uniquely identify a transcript. Learn more.