Materials Surface Analysis Webinars

Our webinars highlight the latest advances in materials and structural analysis across disciplines, enabling you to stay at the forefront of characterization. Our experts provide you with informative, educational content to help you overcome the challenges of high-quality analysis. Improve your productivity, maintain compliance, and remain up to date with the evolving technological and application landscape.

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Life Sciences


Materials Science Research

Live webinar: The Highest Resolution S/TEM platform for characterization of the widest range of materials
Simplify your research imaging workflows with Athena Software
On-demand Webinar: Novel applications of advanced electron microscopy techniques in materials failure analysis
On-demand Webinar: Advanced microCT for non-destructive material characterization
On-demand Webinar: Overview and applications of SIMS on DualBeam systems
On-demand Webinar: X-Ray Tomography Big and Small: The Versatility of CT for Characterization of Soft Materials
The Surface Analysis Toolbox: Combining XPS with ISS, REELS, AES, UPS, and Raman in a workflow | Recording available
On-demand: Meet our newest SEM webinar
On-demand webinar: Latest application developments of multiple ion species plasma FIB technology
Ignite Surface Analysis Virtual Conference recordings - Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
On-demand webinar: Advanced Apreo 2 SEM: unmatched versatility powered by ColorSEM Technology
On-demand webinar: Introduction to Apreo 2 SEM
On-demand webinar: Advanced Diagnostic Tools for Characterizing Lithium Metal and Solid-State Batteries
ASM International On-demand webinar
Understanding XPS images and depth profiles with Avantage Software webinar (Part 2)
SEM portfolio webinar
Verios 5 webinar
Helios 5 Laser PFIB webinar
Phenom ProX webinar
All You Ever Wanted to Know about Auto Slice and View 4 with Q&A
Live Demo on the Helios Hydra Multi-ion Source Plasma FIB
Next-Gen Materials: Tools for Additive Manufacturing
Next-Gen Materials: New Energy Storage Technologies
Next-Gen Materials: Characterization of Catalysts
Next-Gen Materials: Multi-Modal Analysis of 2D Materials
Understanding Surface Chemistry with Avantage Software
Webinar: Thermo Scientific K-Alpha XPS System
Webinar: Thermo Scientific Nexsa Surface Analysis System
Webinar: Thermo Scientific ESCALAB Xi+ XPS Microprobe
ColorSEM Webinar
Helios 5 Webinar
Helios Hydra Webinar
Spectra 300 Webinar
Spectra 200 Webinar
Scios 2 Webinar
Phenom XL G2
Building Confidence in Quality Assurances via Oil, Gas, Chemical and Polymer Webinar Week
Sweating the Small Stuff-Spectroscopy on the Micro Scale via Oil, Gas, Chemical and Polymer Webinar Week
Pushing the Boundaries in Material Research via Oil, Gas, Chemical and Polymer Webinar Week
Improving Manufacturing Quality and Efficiency via Near Infrared Spectroscopy via Oil, Gas, Chemical and Polymer Webinar Week
Practical Teaching of Elemental and Structural Analysis of Materials
Ensuring Quality and Safety of Polymers
Discover Avizo Software solutions for composites, polymers, and fibrous materials
Discover Avizo Software solutions for battery and energy materials
Discover all recent evolutions of Avizo Software solutions
Multiscale, multimodal digital rock analysis
On-demand webinar: Thermo Scientific Nexsa G2 Surface Analysis System Demo
On-demand webinar: Introducing ChemiSEM - The Complete Tool for Understanding Failure Analysis


More coming soon

Industrial QA/QC


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